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MilliPhot to Blondel

1 MilliPhot equals 31.416902 Blondel
1 MilliPhot equals 31.416902 Blondel
1 Blondel equals 0.03183 MilliPhot

Measurement units: Illuminance

Convert MilliPhot to Blondel. New conversion.

Blondel Convert
      MilliPhot conversion table
      Blondel conversion table
      Blondel to MilliPhot
      MilliPhot to Blondel, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from MilliPhot to Blondel

MilliPhot 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Blondel 31.417 157.085 314.169 785.423 1 570.845 3 141.690 7 854.226 15 708.451

Conversion table from Blondel to MilliPhot

Blondel 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
MilliPhot 3.183 15.915 31.83 79.575 159.15 318.3 795.75 1 591.500