Measurement unit converter

Illuminance units

Blondel, calculator online, converter conversion table

Blondel to Apostilb 1
Blondel to Bril 10 000 000
Blondel to Candela-meter 0.3183
Blondel to Candela-steradian per square meter 0.3183
Blondel to CentiCandela-meter 3.18 * 10-5
Blondel to Cloudy noon in summer 2.65 * 10-5
Blondel to Foot-candle 0.029571
Blondel to Foot-lambert 0.092907
Blondel to Gray day 0.000212
Blondel to Lumen per square centimeter 3.18 * 10-5
Blondel to Lumen per square foot 0.029571
Blondel to Lumen per square inch 0.000205
Blondel to Lux (lumen per cubic meter) 0.3183
Blondel to MilliPhot 0.03183
Blondel to Movie theater screen 0.003183
Blondel to Night with full moon 1.5915
Blondel to Night without moon 318.3
Blondel to Nit 0.3183
Blondel to Noon in summer with clear sky 3.18 * 10-6
Blondel to Nox 318.3
Blondel to Phot 3.18 * 10-5
Blondel to Skot 1 000
Blondel to Stilb 3.18 * 10-5
Blondel to Watt per square centimeter at 555 nm 4.66 * 10-8