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Kiloparsec to Legua

1 Kiloparsec equals 7.38 * 1015 Legua
1 Kiloparsec equals 7.38 * 1015 Legua
1 Legua equals 1.35 * 10-16 Kiloparsec

Measurement units: Length

Convert Kiloparsec to Legua. New conversion.

Legua Convert
      Kiloparsec conversion table
      Legua conversion table
      Legua to Kiloparsec
      Kiloparsec to Legua, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Kiloparsec to Legua

Kiloparsec 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Legua 7.38 * 1015 3.69 * 1016 7.38 * 1016 1.85 * 1017 3.69 * 1017 7.38 * 1017 1.85 * 1018 3.69 * 1018

Conversion table from Legua to Kiloparsec

Legua 10 * 1015 5 * 1016 10 * 1016 2.5 * 1017 5 * 1017 10 * 1017 2.5 * 1018 5 * 1018
Kiloparsec 1.355 6.773 13.546 33.866 67.732 135.465 338.661 677.323