Measurement unit converter

Length units

Legua, calculator online, converter conversion table

Legua to Ancient Roman cubit 8 721.415
Legua to Ancient Roman akt 109.017702
Legua to Ancient Roman decimpeda 1 308.213
Legua to Ancient Roman digit 209 313.960
Legua to Ancient Roman millarium 2.616425
Legua to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 156 985.459
Legua to Ancient Roman pace 2 616.425
Legua to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 15 702.479
Legua to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 13 082.125
Legua to Angstrom 4.18 * 1013
Legua to Arpent 71.489653
Legua to Astronomical unit 2.79 * 10-8
Legua to Atomic unit of length 7.9 * 1013
Legua to Attometer 4.18 * 1021
Legua to Barleycorn 493 681.351
Legua to Bohr radius 7.9 * 1013
Legua to Bolt 114.270093
Legua to Bu (Japanese) 1 379 537.954
Legua to Button 1 974 492.206
Legua to Cable length 19.047098
Legua to Caliber 1.65 * 107
Legua to Cek (Hong Kong) 11 251.682
Legua to Centiinch 1.65 * 107
Legua to Centimeter 418 000
Legua to Chi (Chinese) 12 541.254
Legua to Cho (Japanese) 38.313474
Legua to Cicero 987 401.690
Legua to Classical electron radius 1.48 * 1018
Legua to Cubit (biblical) 9 142.607
Legua to Cun (Chinese) 125 412.541
Legua to Decimeter 41 800
Legua to Dekameter 418
Legua to Digit 219 422.572
Legua to Dioptre 4 180
Legua to Earth’s distance from Sun 2.79 * 10-8
Legua to Earth’s equatorial radius 0.000655
Legua to Earth’s polar radius 0.000658
Legua to Eksameter 4.18 * 10-15
Legua to Etzbah (biblical) 219 422.572
Legua to Fan (Hong Kong) 1 125 168.237
Legua to Fathom 2 285.652
Legua to Femtometer 4.18 * 1018
Legua to Fen (Chinese) 1 254 125.413
Legua to Fermi 4.18 * 1018
Legua to Finger 188 118.812
Legua to Foot 13 713.911
Legua to Geographical mile 0.563342
Legua to Gigalight year 4.42 * 10-22
Legua to Gigameter 4.18 * 10-6
Legua to Goad 3 046.647
Legua to Gunter’s chain 207.753479
Legua to Gunter’s foot 13 713.911
Legua to Gunter’s link 20 775.348
Legua to Gunter’s pole 831.179161
Legua to Gurley’s chain 415.506958
Legua to Gurley’s link 20 775.348
Legua to Hand 41 141.732
Legua to Hand 41 141.732
Legua to Handbreadth (biblical) 54 855.643
Legua to Hao (Chinese) 1.25 * 108
Legua to Hectometer 41.8
Legua to Hiro (Japanese) 2 299.230
Legua to Horizontal pitch 822 834.646
Legua to Hu (Chinese) 1.25 * 1010
Legua to Imperial chain 207.786546
Legua to Imperial foot 12 867.873
Legua to Imperial foot 13 713.911
Legua to Imperial furlong 20.778655
Legua to Imperial inch 164 566.934
Legua to Imperial line 1 974 802.962
Legua to Imperial mile 2.597332
Legua to Imperial palm 41 141.734
Legua to Imperial rod 831.146184
Legua to Japanese cho 38.319327
Legua to Japanese ken 2 299.160
Legua to Japanese ken-shaku 13 794.957
Legua to Japanese ri 1.064426
Legua to Japanese sang 137 949.572
Legua to Jo (Japanese) 1 379.538
Legua to Ken (Japanese) 2 299.230
Legua to Khuep (Thai) 16 720
Legua to Kilometer 4.18
Legua to Kiloparsec 1.35 * 10-16
Legua to Kiloyard 4.571304
Legua to Krabiat (Thai) 802 611.367
Legua to Land 2.597887
Legua to League, imperial lea 0.865777
Legua to Li (Chinese) 8.36
Legua to Li small (Chinese) 1.25 * 107
Legua to Lieue marine 0.941441
Legua to Lieue commune 0.938904
Legua to Lieue de post 1.072345
Legua to Lieue metrique 1.045
Legua to Light microsecond 13.942979
Legua to Light millisecond 0.013943
Legua to Light minute 2.32 * 10-7
Legua to Light nanosecond 13 942.979
Legua to Light second 1.39 * 10-5
Legua to Light year 4.42 * 10-13
Legua to Light-day 1.61 * 10-10
Legua to Light-hour 3.87 * 10-9
Legua to Light-week 2.31 * 10-11
Legua to Ligne 1 852 836.879
Legua to Line 1 974 492.206
Legua to Linea 2 160 206.718
Legua to Lunar distance 1.09 * 10-5
Legua to Megameter 0.00418
Legua to Megaparsec 1.35 * 10-19
Legua to Meter 4 180
Legua to Microinch 1.65 * 1011
Legua to Micrometer (micron) 4.18 * 109
Legua to Micron 4.18 * 109
Legua to Mile (Ancient Greek) 3.011527
Legua to Millimeter 4 180 000
Legua to Mo (Japanese) 1.38 * 108
Legua to Nail 18 285.214
Legua to Nanometer 4.18 * 1012
Legua to Nautical league 0.75234
Legua to Nautical mile 2.257019
Legua to Nio (Thai) 200 672.108
Legua to Old Russian ell 9 952.379
Legua to Old Russian inch 164 566.934
Legua to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 1 685.484
Legua to Old Russian line 1 645 669.344
Legua to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 2 375.000
Legua to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 1.95913
Legua to Old Russian mile 0.559722
Legua to Old Russian pyad 23 509.561
Legua to Old Russian sazhen 5 877.389
Legua to Old Russian sazhen 1 959.130
Legua to Old Russian vershok 94 038.254
Legua to Old Russian verst 3.91826
Legua to Pace 5 485.564
Legua to Palm 54 855.643
Legua to Parsec 1.35 * 10-13
Legua to Paso 3 000.718
Legua to Perch 831.146107
Legua to Perche 714.896528
Legua to Petameter 4.18 * 10-12
Legua to Pica 987 401.575
Legua to Pica 991 225.990
Legua to Picometer 4.18 * 1015
Legua to Pied (French) 12 869.458
Legua to Pixel 1.59 * 107
Legua to Planck length 2.59 * 1038
Legua to Point 1.18 * 107
Legua to Pole 831.146107
Legua to Poppyseed 1 974 492.206
Legua to Pouce 154 414.481
Legua to Pulgada 180 017.227
Legua to Punto 2.59 * 107
Legua to Rack unit 94 038.245
Legua to Ramsden’s chain 137.139108
Legua to Ramsden’s link 13 713.911
Legua to Red shift 3.21 * 10-23
Legua to Rin (Japanese) 1.38 * 107
Legua to Rope 685.695538
Legua to Sen (Thai) 104.5
Legua to Shackle 152.387896
Legua to Shaftment 27 427.822
Legua to Shaku (Japanese) 13 795.380
Legua to Si (Chinese) 1.25 * 109
Legua to Skein 38.10392
Legua to Small cable length 22.570194
Legua to Sok (Thai) 8 360
Legua to Solar radius 6.01 * 10-6
Legua to Span 18 285.214
Legua to Span (biblical) 18 285.214
Legua to Stadium attic 22.594595
Legua to Stadium Olympic 21.736869
Legua to Stadium ptolemey 22.594595
Legua to Sun (Japanese) 137 953.795
Legua to Terameter 4.18 * 10-9
Legua to Thousand of orgium 2.258239
Legua to Toise 2 144.690
Legua to Tsun (Hong Kong) 112 516.824
Legua to Twip 2.38 * 108
Legua to Vara (Spanish) 15 003.589
Legua to Wa (Thai) 2 090
Legua to X unit 4.17 * 1016
Legua to Yard 4 571.302
Legua to Yin (Chinese) 125.412541
Legua to Yot (Thai) 0.26125
Legua to Zhang (Chinese) 1 254.125
Legua to Вара 5 001.196