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SDR (Special drawing rights) to Rand exchange rate

SDR (Special drawing rights) to Rand exchange rate today. Currency converter - online conversion of any world currency to the today rate. Money converter monitors daily foreign exchange rates in Central Banks for 173 currencies.
Exchange rate updated 27/04/2024 22:00 UTC-05:00

SDR (Special drawing rights) to Rand exchange rate today

1 SDR (Special drawing rights) (XDR) equals 25.02 rand (ZAR)
1 rand (ZAR) equals 0.039969 SDR (Special drawing rights) (XDR)
Foreign exchange rate updated 28/04/2024

SDR (Special drawing rights) to Rand exchange rate today at 27 April 2024

Date Rate Change
28.04.2024 25.019232 -0.008165
27.04.2024 25.027397 -0.092313
26.04.2024 25.11971 -0.117441
25.04.2024 25.237151 -
24.04.2024 25.237151 0.128936

Currency exchange rates provided by

Convert SDR (special drawing rights) to rand. New calculation.

SDR (Special drawing rights)
Rand Convert
   Exchange rate SDR (Special drawing rights) (XDR) to Rand (ZAR) live on Forex exchange market
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   Rand to SDR (Special drawing rights) exchange rate
SDR (Special drawing rights) (XDR)
1 XDR 5 XDR 10 XDR 25 XDR 50 XDR 100 XDR 250 XDR 500 XDR
25.02 ZAR 125.10 ZAR 250.19 ZAR 625.48 ZAR 1 250.96 ZAR 2 501.92 ZAR 6 254.81 ZAR 12 509.62 ZAR
Rand (ZAR)
100 ZAR 500 ZAR 1 000 ZAR 2 500 ZAR 5 000 ZAR 10 000 ZAR 25 000 ZAR 50 000 ZAR
4 XDR 19.98 XDR 39.97 XDR 99.92 XDR 199.85 XDR 399.69 XDR 999.23 XDR 1 998.46 XDR