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UK teaspoon to UK cup

1 UK teaspoon equals 0.020833 UK cup
1 UK teaspoon equals 0.020833 UK cup
1 UK cup equals 48 UK teaspoon

Measurement units: Volume

Convert UK teaspoon to UK cup. New conversion.

UK teaspoon
UK cup Convert
      UK teaspoon conversion table
      UK cup conversion table
      UK cup to UK teaspoon
      UK teaspoon to UK cup, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from UK teaspoon to UK cup

UK teaspoon 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
UK cup 2.083 10.417 20.833 52.083 104.167 208.333 520.833 1 041.667

Conversion table from UK cup to UK teaspoon

UK cup 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
UK teaspoon 48 240 480 1 200 2 400 4 800 12 000 24 000