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UK teaspoon to Pint (dry)

1 UK teaspoon equals 0.010751 Pint (dry)
1 UK teaspoon equals 0.010751 Pint (dry)
1 Pint (dry) equals 93.01814 UK teaspoon

Measurement units: Volume

Convert UK teaspoon to Pint (dry). New conversion.

UK teaspoon
Pint (dry) Convert
      UK teaspoon conversion table
      Pint (dry) conversion table
      Pint (dry) to UK teaspoon
      UK teaspoon to Pint (dry), calculator online, converter

Conversion table from UK teaspoon to Pint (dry)

UK teaspoon 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Pint (dry) 1.075 5.375 10.751 26.876 53.753 107.506 268.765 537.53

Conversion table from Pint (dry) to UK teaspoon

Pint (dry) 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
UK teaspoon 93.018 465.091 930.181 2 325.453 4 650.907 9 301.814 23 254.535 46 509.070