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Ton of TNT (metric) to Refrigeration ton-hour

1 Ton of TNT (metric) equals 364.283276 Refrigeration ton-hour
1 Ton of TNT (metric) equals 364.283276 Refrigeration ton-hour
1 Refrigeration ton-hour equals 0.002745 Ton of TNT (metric)

Measurement units: Energy

Convert Ton of TNT (metric) to Refrigeration ton-hour. New conversion.

Ton of TNT (metric)
Refrigeration ton-hour Convert
      Ton of TNT (metric) conversion table
      Refrigeration ton-hour conversion table
      Refrigeration ton-hour to Ton of TNT (metric)
      Ton of TNT (metric) to Refrigeration ton-hour, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Ton of TNT (metric) to Refrigeration ton-hour

Ton of TNT (metric) 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Refrigeration ton-hour 364.283 1 821.416 3 642.833 9 107.082 18 214.164 36 428.328 91 070.819 182 141.638

Conversion table from Refrigeration ton-hour to Ton of TNT (metric)

Refrigeration ton-hour 1 000 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000 100 000 250 000 500 000
Ton of TNT (metric) 2.745 13.726 27.451 68.628 137.256 274.512 686.279 1 372.558