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Shtoff to Gemin

1 Shtoff equals 4.522059 Gemin
1 Shtoff equals 4.522059 Gemin
1 Gemin equals 0.221138 Shtoff

Measurement units: Volume

Convert Shtoff to Gemin. New conversion.

Gemin Convert
      Shtoff conversion table
      Gemin conversion table
      Gemin to Shtoff
      Shtoff to Gemin, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Shtoff to Gemin

Shtoff 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Gemin 4.522 22.61 45.221 113.051 226.103 452.206 1 130.515 2 261.030

Conversion table from Gemin to Shtoff

Gemin 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Shtoff 2.211 11.057 22.114 55.285 110.569 221.138 552.845 1 105.691