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Sextarium to Ge (Chinese)

1 Sextarium equals 5.440001 Ge (Chinese)
1 Sextarium equals 5.440001 Ge (Chinese)
1 Ge (Chinese) equals 0.183824 Sextarium

Measurement units: Volume

Convert Sextarium to Ge (Chinese). New conversion.

Ge (Chinese) Convert
      Sextarium conversion table
      Ge (Chinese) conversion table
      Ge (Chinese) to Sextarium
      Sextarium to Ge (Chinese), calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Sextarium to Ge (Chinese)

Sextarium 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Ge (Chinese) 5.44 27.2 54.4 136 272 544 1 360 2 720

Conversion table from Ge (Chinese) to Sextarium

Ge (Chinese) 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Sextarium 1.838 9.191 18.382 45.956 91.912 183.824 459.559 919.118