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Quart (dry) to Cubic foot

1 Quart (dry) equals 0.038889 Cubic foot
1 Quart (dry) equals 0.038889 Cubic foot
1 Cubic foot equals 25.714045 Quart (dry)

Measurement units: Volume

Convert Quart (dry) to Cubic foot. New conversion.

Quart (dry)
Cubic foot Convert
      Quart (dry) conversion table
      Cubic foot conversion table
      Cubic foot to Quart (dry)
      Quart (dry) to Cubic foot, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Quart (dry) to Cubic foot

Quart (dry) 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Cubic foot 3.889 19.445 38.889 97.223 194.446 388.893 972.231 1 944.463

Conversion table from Cubic foot to Quart (dry)

Cubic foot 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Quart (dry) 25.714 128.57 257.14 642.851 1 285.702 2 571.404 6 428.511 12 857.022