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Poundal to Centinewton

1 Poundal equals 13.825499 Centinewton
1 Poundal equals 13.825499 Centinewton
1 Centinewton equals 0.07233 Poundal

Measurement units: Force

Convert Poundal to Centinewton. New conversion.

Centinewton Convert
      Poundal conversion table
      Centinewton conversion table
      Centinewton to Poundal
      Poundal to Centinewton, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Poundal to Centinewton

Poundal 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Centinewton 13.825 69.127 138.255 345.637 691.275 1 382.550 3 456.375 6 912.749

Conversion table from Centinewton to Poundal

Centinewton 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Poundal 7.233 36.165 72.33 180.825 361.651 723.301 1 808.253 3 616.506