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Pim to Diobol

1 Pim equals 5.335215 Diobol
1 Pim equals 5.335215 Diobol
1 Diobol equals 0.187434 Pim

Measurement units: Mass

Convert Pim to Diobol. New conversion.

Diobol Convert
      Pim conversion table
      Diobol conversion table
      Diobol to Pim
      Pim to Diobol, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Pim to Diobol

Pim 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Diobol 5.335 26.676 53.352 133.38 266.761 533.522 1 333.804 2 667.608

Conversion table from Diobol to Pim

Diobol 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Pim 1.874 9.372 18.743 46.858 93.717 187.434 468.585 937.169