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Microinch to Hu (Chinese)

1 Microinch equals 0.076208 Hu (Chinese)
1 Microinch equals 0.076208 Hu (Chinese)
1 Hu (Chinese) equals 13.122047 Microinch

Measurement units: Length

Convert Microinch to Hu (Chinese). New conversion.

Hu (Chinese) Convert
      Microinch conversion table
      Hu (Chinese) conversion table
      Hu (Chinese) to Microinch
      Microinch to Hu (Chinese), calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Microinch to Hu (Chinese)

Microinch 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Hu (Chinese) 7.621 38.104 76.208 190.519 381.038 762.076 1 905.191 3 810.381

Conversion table from Hu (Chinese) to Microinch

Hu (Chinese) 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Microinch 13.122 65.61 131.22 328.051 656.102 1 312.205 3 280.512 6 561.024