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MegaTon of TNT to Watt*sec

1 MegaTon of TNT equals 4.18 * 1015 Watt*sec
1 MegaTon of TNT equals 4.18 * 1015 Watt*sec
1 Watt*sec equals 2.39 * 10-16 MegaTon of TNT

Measurement units: Energy

Convert MegaTon of TNT to Watt*sec. New conversion.

MegaTon of TNT
Watt*sec Convert
      MegaTon of TNT conversion table
      Watt*sec conversion table
      Watt*sec to MegaTon of TNT
      MegaTon of TNT to Watt*sec, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from MegaTon of TNT to Watt*sec

MegaTon of TNT 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Watt*sec 4.18 * 1015 2.09 * 1016 4.18 * 1016 1.05 * 1017 2.09 * 1017 4.18 * 1017 1.05 * 1018 2.09 * 1018

Conversion table from Watt*sec to MegaTon of TNT

Watt*sec 10 * 1015 5 * 1016 10 * 1016 2.5 * 1017 5 * 1017 10 * 1017 2.5 * 1018 5 * 1018
MegaTon of TNT 2.39 11.95 23.901 59.751 119.503 239.006 597.514 1 195.029