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Lumen per square foot to Foot-lambert

1 Lumen per square foot equals 3.14183 Foot-lambert
1 Lumen per square foot equals 3.14183 Foot-lambert
1 Foot-lambert equals 0.318286 Lumen per square foot

Measurement units: Illuminance

Convert Lumen per square foot to Foot-lambert. New conversion.

Lumen per square foot
Foot-lambert Convert
      Lumen per square foot conversion table
      Foot-lambert conversion table
      Foot-lambert to Lumen per square foot
      Lumen per square foot to Foot-lambert, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Lumen per square foot to Foot-lambert

Lumen per square foot 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Foot-lambert 3.142 15.709 31.418 78.546 157.092 314.183 785.458 1 570.915

Conversion table from Foot-lambert to Lumen per square foot

Foot-lambert 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Lumen per square foot 3.183 15.914 31.829 79.571 159.143 318.286 795.715 1 591.429