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Liang to Apothecary dram

1 Liang equals 12.8603 Apothecary dram
1 Liang equals 12.8603 Apothecary dram
1 Apothecary dram equals 0.077759 Liang

Measurement units: Mass

Convert Liang to Apothecary dram. New conversion.

Apothecary dram Convert
      Liang conversion table
      Apothecary dram conversion table
      Apothecary dram to Liang
      Liang to Apothecary dram, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Liang to Apothecary dram

Liang 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Apothecary dram 12.86 64.302 128.603 321.508 643.015 1 286.030 3 215.075 6 430.150

Conversion table from Apothecary dram to Liang

Apothecary dram 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Liang 7.776 38.879 77.759 194.397 388.793 777.587 1 943.967 3 887.934