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Kilocalorie/sec to Thousand of international British thermal units per hour

1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 14.276332 Thousand of international British thermal units per hour
1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 14.276332 Thousand of international British thermal units per hour
1 Thousand of international British thermal units per hour equals 0.070046 Kilocalorie/sec

Measurement units: Power

Convert Kilocalorie/sec to Thousand of international British thermal units per hour. New conversion.

Thousand of international British thermal units per hour Convert
      Kilocalorie/sec conversion table
      Thousand of international British thermal units per hour conversion table
      Thousand of international British thermal units per hour to Kilocalorie/sec
      Kilocalorie/sec to Thousand of international British thermal units per hour, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Kilocalorie/sec to Thousand of international British thermal units per hour

Kilocalorie/sec 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Thousand of international British thermal units per hour 14.276 71.382 142.763 356.908 713.817 1 427.633 3 569.083 7 138.166

Conversion table from Thousand of international British thermal units per hour to Kilocalorie/sec

Thousand of international British thermal units per hour 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Kilocalorie/sec 7.005 35.023 70.046 175.115 350.23 700.46 1 751.150 3 502.300