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Kilocalorie/sec to Hydraulic horsepower

1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 5.610809 Hydraulic horsepower
1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 5.610809 Hydraulic horsepower
1 Hydraulic horsepower equals 0.178227 Kilocalorie/sec

Measurement units: Power

Convert Kilocalorie/sec to Hydraulic horsepower. New conversion.

Hydraulic horsepower Convert
      Kilocalorie/sec conversion table
      Hydraulic horsepower conversion table
      Hydraulic horsepower to Kilocalorie/sec
      Kilocalorie/sec to Hydraulic horsepower, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Kilocalorie/sec to Hydraulic horsepower

Kilocalorie/sec 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Hydraulic horsepower 5.611 28.054 56.108 140.27 280.54 561.081 1 402.702 2 805.404

Conversion table from Hydraulic horsepower to Kilocalorie/sec

Hydraulic horsepower 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Kilocalorie/sec 1.782 8.911 17.823 44.557 89.114 178.227 445.569 891.137