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Kilocalorie/sec to British thermal unit per second

1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 3.965648 British thermal unit per second
1 Kilocalorie/sec equals 3.965648 British thermal unit per second
1 British thermal unit per second equals 0.252166 Kilocalorie/sec

Measurement units: Power

Convert Kilocalorie/sec to British thermal unit per second. New conversion.

British thermal unit per second Convert
      Kilocalorie/sec conversion table
      British thermal unit per second conversion table
      British thermal unit per second to Kilocalorie/sec
      Kilocalorie/sec to British thermal unit per second, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Kilocalorie/sec to British thermal unit per second

Kilocalorie/sec 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
British thermal unit per second 3.966 19.828 39.656 99.141 198.282 396.565 991.412 1 982.824

Conversion table from British thermal unit per second to Kilocalorie/sec

British thermal unit per second 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Kilocalorie/sec 2.522 12.608 25.217 63.041 126.083 252.166 630.414 1 260.828