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Kilocalorie per second to Foot-pound-force per second

1 Kilocalorie per second equals 3 088.173 Foot-pound-force per second
1 Kilocalorie per second equals 3 088.173 Foot-pound-force per second
1 Foot-pound-force per second equals 0.000324 Kilocalorie per second

Measurement units: Power

Convert Kilocalorie per second to Foot-pound-force per second. New conversion.

Kilocalorie per second
Foot-pound-force per second Convert
      Kilocalorie per second conversion table
      Foot-pound-force per second conversion table
      Foot-pound-force per second to Kilocalorie per second
      Kilocalorie per second to Foot-pound-force per second, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Kilocalorie per second to Foot-pound-force per second

Kilocalorie per second 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Foot-pound-force per second 3 088.173 15 440.864 30 881.727 77 204.318 154 408.636 308 817.272 772 043.180 1 544 086.360

Conversion table from Foot-pound-force per second to Kilocalorie per second

Foot-pound-force per second 10 000 50 000 100 000 250 000 500 000 1 000 000 2 500 000 5 000 000
Kilocalorie per second 3.238 16.191 32.382 80.954 161.908 323.816 809.54 1 619.080