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Goad to Perche

1 Goad equals 0.23465 Perche
1 Goad equals 0.23465 Perche
1 Perche equals 4.261662 Goad

Measurement units: Length

Convert Goad to Perche. New conversion.

Perche Convert
      Goad conversion table
      Perche conversion table
      Perche to Goad
      Goad to Perche, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Goad to Perche

Goad 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Perche 2.347 11.733 23.465 58.663 117.325 234.65 586.626 1 173.251

Conversion table from Perche to Goad

Perche 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Goad 4.262 21.308 42.617 106.542 213.083 426.166 1 065.415 2 130.831