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Go (Japanese) to Cup

1 Go (Japanese) equals 0.762506 Cup
1 Go (Japanese) equals 0.762506 Cup
1 Cup equals 1.311465 Go (Japanese)

Measurement units: Volume

Convert Go (Japanese) to Cup. New conversion.

Go (Japanese)
Cup Convert
      Go (Japanese) conversion table
      Cup conversion table
      Cup to Go (Japanese)
      Go (Japanese) to Cup, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Go (Japanese) to Cup

Go (Japanese) 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Cup 7.625 38.125 76.251 190.627 381.253 762.506 1 906.266 3 812.531

Conversion table from Cup to Go (Japanese)

Cup 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Go (Japanese) 1.311 6.557 13.115 32.787 65.573 131.146 327.866 655.732