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Gf-cm to Ounce-force-inch

1 Gf-cm equals 0.013887 Ounce-force-inch
1 Gf-cm equals 0.013887 Ounce-force-inch
1 Ounce-force-inch equals 72.007789 Gf-cm

Measurement units: Energy

Convert Gf-cm to Ounce-force-inch. New conversion.

Ounce-force-inch Convert
      Gf-cm conversion table
      Ounce-force-inch conversion table
      Ounce-force-inch to Gf-cm
      Gf-cm to Ounce-force-inch, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Gf-cm to Ounce-force-inch

Gf-cm 100 500 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 25 000 50 000
Ounce-force-inch 1.389 6.944 13.887 34.718 69.437 138.874 347.185 694.369

Conversion table from Ounce-force-inch to Gf-cm

Ounce-force-inch 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Gf-cm 72.008 360.039 720.078 1 800.195 3 600.389 7 200.779 18 001.947 36 003.894