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Finger to Barleycorn

1 Finger equals 2.624306 Barleycorn
1 Finger equals 2.624306 Barleycorn
1 Barleycorn equals 0.381053 Finger

Measurement units: Length

Convert Finger to Barleycorn. New conversion.

Barleycorn Convert
      Finger conversion table
      Barleycorn conversion table
      Barleycorn to Finger
      Finger to Barleycorn, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Finger to Barleycorn

Finger 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Barleycorn 2.624 13.122 26.243 65.608 131.215 262.431 656.077 1 312.153

Conversion table from Barleycorn to Finger

Barleycorn 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Finger 3.811 19.053 38.105 95.263 190.527 381.053 952.633 1 905.266