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Fathom to Goad

1 Fathom equals 1.332944 Goad
1 Fathom equals 1.332944 Goad
1 Goad equals 0.750219 Fathom

Measurement units: Length

Convert Fathom to Goad. New conversion.

Goad Convert
      Fathom conversion table
      Goad conversion table
      Goad to Fathom
      Fathom to Goad, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Fathom to Goad

Fathom 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Goad 1.333 6.665 13.329 33.324 66.647 133.294 333.236 666.472

Conversion table from Goad to Fathom

Goad 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Fathom 7.502 37.511 75.022 187.555 375.109 750.219 1 875.547 3 751.094