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BTU/hour (British thermal units) to Gigacalorie per second

1 BTU/hour (British thermal units) equals 6.99 * 10-11 Gigacalorie per second
1 BTU/hour (British thermal units) equals 6.99 * 10-11 Gigacalorie per second
1 Gigacalorie per second equals 1.43 * 1010 BTU/hour (British thermal units)

Measurement units: Power

Convert BTU/hour (British thermal units) to Gigacalorie per second. New conversion.

BTU/hour (British thermal units)
Gigacalorie per second Convert
      BTU/hour (British thermal units) conversion table
      Gigacalorie per second conversion table
      Gigacalorie per second to BTU/hour (British thermal units)
      BTU/hour (British thermal units) to Gigacalorie per second, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from BTU/hour (British thermal units) to Gigacalorie per second

BTU/hour (British thermal units) 10 * 1010 5 * 1011 10 * 1011 2.5 * 1012 5 * 1012 10 * 1012 2.5 * 1013 5 * 1013
Gigacalorie per second 6.995 34.974 69.949 174.872 349.743 699.487 1 748.717 3 497.434

Conversion table from Gigacalorie per second to BTU/hour (British thermal units)

Gigacalorie per second 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
BTU/hour (British thermal units) 1.43 * 1010 7.15 * 1010 1.43 * 1011 3.57 * 1011 7.15 * 1011 1.43 * 1012 3.57 * 1012 7.15 * 1012