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Baud to Kilobyte per hour

1 Baud equals 0.360036 Kilobyte per hour
1 Baud equals 0.360036 Kilobyte per hour
1 Kilobyte per hour equals 2.7775 Baud

Measurement units: Data rate

Convert Baud to Kilobyte per hour. New conversion.

Kilobyte per hour Convert
      Baud conversion table
      Kilobyte per hour conversion table
      Kilobyte per hour to Baud
      Baud to Kilobyte per hour, calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Baud to Kilobyte per hour

Baud 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Kilobyte per hour 3.6 18.002 36.004 90.009 180.018 360.036 900.09 1 800.180

Conversion table from Kilobyte per hour to Baud

Kilobyte per hour 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Baud 2.778 13.888 27.775 69.438 138.875 277.75 694.375 1 388.750