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Ancient Roman digit to Nio (Thai)

1 Ancient Roman digit equals 0.958713 Nio (Thai)
1 Ancient Roman digit equals 0.958713 Nio (Thai)
1 Nio (Thai) equals 1.043065 Ancient Roman digit

Measurement units: Length

Convert Ancient Roman digit to Nio (Thai). New conversion.

Ancient Roman digit
Nio (Thai) Convert
      Ancient Roman digit conversion table
      Nio (Thai) conversion table
      Nio (Thai) to Ancient Roman digit
      Ancient Roman digit to Nio (Thai), calculator online, converter

Conversion table from Ancient Roman digit to Nio (Thai)

Ancient Roman digit 10 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 500 5 000
Nio (Thai) 9.587 47.936 95.871 239.678 479.357 958.713 2 396.784 4 793.567

Conversion table from Nio (Thai) to Ancient Roman digit

Nio (Thai) 1 5 10 25 50 100 250 500
Ancient Roman digit 1.043 5.215 10.431 26.077 52.153 104.306 260.766 521.532