Measurement unit converter

Angle units

Sextant, calculator online, converter conversion table

Sextant to Angular mil 1 066.667
Sextant to Circumference 0.166667
Sextant to Degree 60
Sextant to German thousandth 1 066.667
Sextant to Gon 66.666667
Sextant to Grad 66.666667
Sextant to Longitude hour 4
Sextant to Minute (angle) 3 600
Sextant to Octant 1.333333
Sextant to Radian 1.047198
Sextant to Revolution 0.166667
Sextant to Rhumb 5.333333
Sextant to Right angle 0.666667
Sextant to Russian thousandth 1 000
Sextant to Second (angle) 216 000
Sextant to Sign 2
Sextant to Square 0.666667
Sextant to Sweden thousandth 1 050.053