Measurement unit converter

Volume units

Gallon (imperial), calculator online, converter conversion table

Gallon (imperial) to Acetabul 66.85439
Gallon (imperial) to Acre-foot 3.69 * 10-6
Gallon (imperial) to Amphora 0.1741
Gallon (imperial) to Attoliter 4.55 * 1018
Gallon (imperial) to Barrel 0.039317
Gallon (imperial) to Barrel (dry) 0.027779
Gallon (imperial) to Barrel (oil) 0.028594
Gallon (imperial) to Bath (biblical) 0.215047
Gallon (imperial) to Board foot 1.926528
Gallon (imperial) to Bochka 0.00924
Gallon (imperial) to Bushel 0.125
Gallon (imperial) to Bushel (dry) 0.129007
Gallon (imperial) to Centicubic meter 4 546.099
Gallon (imperial) to Centilitre 454.609926
Gallon (imperial) to Cetverik (mera) 0.173261
Gallon (imperial) to Charka 36.960155
Gallon (imperial) to Chetvert 1.478477
Gallon (imperial) to Ciate 100.281585
Gallon (imperial) to Cord 0.001254
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic astronomical unit 1.36 * 10-36
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic foot 0.160544
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic gigaparsek 1.55 * 10-79
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic inch 277.41998
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic kilometer 4.55 * 10-12
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic kpc 1.55 * 10-61
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic meter 0.004546
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic mile 1.09 * 10-12
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic Mpc 1.55 * 10-70
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic parsec 1.55 * 10-52
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic ped (quadrantal) 0.1741
Gallon (imperial) to Cubic yard 0.005946
Gallon (imperial) to Cuo (Chinese) 4 546.099
Gallon (imperial) to Cup 19.215239
Gallon (imperial) to Dan (Chinese) 0.045461
Gallon (imperial) to Decalitre 0.45461
Gallon (imperial) to Decicubic meter 4.546099
Gallon (imperial) to Decilitre 45.460993
Gallon (imperial) to Decistere 0.045461
Gallon (imperial) to Dekastere 0.000455
Gallon (imperial) to Dou (Chinese) 0.45461
Gallon (imperial) to Drop 90 921.985
Gallon (imperial) to Earth’s volume 4.2 * 10-24
Gallon (imperial) to Eksalitre 4.55 * 10-18
Gallon (imperial) to Ephah (biblical) 0.215047
Gallon (imperial) to Femtoliter 4.55 * 1015
Gallon (imperial) to Fluid dram 1 229.775
Gallon (imperial) to Fluid ounce 153.721891
Gallon (imperial) to Gallon (dry) 1.032059
Gallon (imperial) to Gallon (liquid) 1.200953
Gallon (imperial) to Garnetz 1.38609
Gallon (imperial) to Ge (Chinese) 45.460993
Gallon (imperial) to Gemin 16.713602
Gallon (imperial) to Gigalitre 4.55 * 10-9
Gallon (imperial) to Gill (dry) 33.025884
Gallon (imperial) to Gill (liquid) 38.430477
Gallon (imperial) to Go (Japanese) 25.200107
Gallon (imperial) to Hectoliter 0.045461
Gallon (imperial) to Hin (biblical) 1.29004
Gallon (imperial) to Hogshead 0.064524
Gallon (imperial) to Homer (biblical) 0.021505
Gallon (imperial) to Kav (biblical) 3.869021
Gallon (imperial) to Kilolitre 0.004546
Gallon (imperial) to Kognee 1.3928
Gallon (imperial) to Koku (Japanese) 0.0252
Gallon (imperial) to Kor (biblical) 0.021505
Gallon (imperial) to Kulee (dole) 0.008705
Gallon (imperial) to Kwian (Thai) 0.002273
Gallon (imperial) to Letek (biblical) 0.043009
Gallon (imperial) to Liter 4.546099
Gallon (imperial) to Litron (French) 5.470637
Gallon (imperial) to Log (biblical) 15.478717
Gallon (imperial) to Megalitre 4.55 * 10-6
Gallon (imperial) to Microlitre 4 546 099.265
Gallon (imperial) to Millicubic meter 4 546 099.265
Gallon (imperial) to Millilitre 4 546.099
Gallon (imperial) to Minim 73 786.510
Gallon (imperial) to Minot (French) 0.133709
Gallon (imperial) to Modium 0.5223
Gallon (imperial) to Nanolitre 4.55 * 109
Gallon (imperial) to Omer (biblical) 2.150473
Gallon (imperial) to Peck (dry) 0.51603
Gallon (imperial) to Peck (imperial) 0.5
Gallon (imperial) to Perch (liquid) 0.006487
Gallon (imperial) to Petalitre 4.55 * 10-15
Gallon (imperial) to Picolitre 4.55 * 1012
Gallon (imperial) to Pint (dry) 8.256471
Gallon (imperial) to Pint (imperial) 7.999998
Gallon (imperial) to Pint (liquid) 9.607617
Gallon (imperial) to Planck volume 1.08 * 10102
Gallon (imperial) to Quart 33.4272
Gallon (imperial) to Quart (dry) 4.128235
Gallon (imperial) to Quart (imperial) 4
Gallon (imperial) to Quart (liquid) 4.803809
Gallon (imperial) to Quartarium 33.4272
Gallon (imperial) to Register ton 0.001605
Gallon (imperial) to Sai (Japanese) 2 520.011
Gallon (imperial) to Sat (Thai) 0.181844
Gallon (imperial) to Semodium 1.0446
Gallon (imperial) to Sextarium 8.356799
Gallon (imperial) to Se’ah (biblical) 0.64502
Gallon (imperial) to Shaku (Japanese) 252.001068
Gallon (imperial) to Shao (Chinese) 454.609926
Gallon (imperial) to Sheng (Chinese) 4.546099
Gallon (imperial) to Shkalik 73.920301
Gallon (imperial) to Sho (Japanese) 2.520011
Gallon (imperial) to Shtoff 3.696016
Gallon (imperial) to Stere 0.004546
Gallon (imperial) to Tablespoon 307.443828
Gallon (imperial) to Teaspoon 922.331258
Gallon (imperial) to Teralitre 4.55 * 10-12
Gallon (imperial) to Thanan (Thai) 4.546099
Gallon (imperial) to To (Japanese) 0.252001
Gallon (imperial) to UK cup 16.000033
Gallon (imperial) to UK dessertspoon 384.000783
Gallon (imperial) to UK fluid ounce 160.000326
Gallon (imperial) to UK tablespoon 256.000522
Gallon (imperial) to UK teaspoon 768.001565
Gallon (imperial) to Urn 0.3482
Gallon (imperial) to US barrel 0.038125
Gallon (imperial) to US cup 19.215238
Gallon (imperial) to US dessertspoon 461.165711
Gallon (imperial) to US gallon 1.200952
Gallon (imperial) to US tablespoon 307.443808
Gallon (imperial) to US teaspoon 922.331423
Gallon (imperial) to Vedro (dry) 0.369602
Gallon (imperial) to Vedro (liq.) 0.369602
Gallon (imperial) to Vine bottle 5.913625
Gallon (imperial) to Vodka bottle 7.39203