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Best cryptocurrency

Best cryptocurrency to invest in 2024. Hot growing cryptocurrencies with high stability (minimum volatility).
Cryptocurrency exchange rates updated: 25/04/2024 UTC-05:00
Top 10 best cryptocurrencies for mining and buying, steadily growing in the price on cryptocurrency markets in the last 3 months.
Currency exchange rates provided by

Fast growing cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency Percentage growth for the quarter
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) 60.37 %
stETH (STETH) 41.49 %
Ellipsis (ELLIPSIS) 41.24 %
Flow (FLOW) 27.13 %
Litecoin (LTC) 25.49 %
XRP (XRP) 2.03 %
Wrapped TRON (WTRX) 1.40 %
Ada (ADA) 0.65 %
Stellar (XLM) 0.58 %
Binance USD (BUSD) 0.099 %
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