Measurement unit converter

Length units

Toise, calculator online, converter conversion table

Toise to Ancient Roman cubit 4.066516
Toise to Ancient Roman akt 0.050831
Toise to Ancient Roman decimpeda 0.609978
Toise to Ancient Roman digit 97.596389
Toise to Ancient Roman millarium 0.00122
Toise to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 73.197287
Toise to Ancient Roman pace 1.219955
Toise to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 7.321563
Toise to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 6.099776
Toise to Angstrom 1.95 * 1010
Toise to Arpent 0.033333
Toise to Astronomical unit 1.3 * 10-11
Toise to Atomic unit of length 3.68 * 1010
Toise to Attometer 1.95 * 1018
Toise to Barleycorn 230.187788
Toise to Bohr radius 3.68 * 1010
Toise to Bolt 0.05328
Toise to Bu (Japanese) 643.234323
Toise to Button 920.642419
Toise to Cable length 0.008881
Toise to Caliber 7 673.228
Toise to Cek (Hong Kong) 5.246299
Toise to Centiinch 7 673.228
Toise to Centimeter 194.9
Toise to Chi (Chinese) 5.847585
Toise to Cho (Japanese) 0.017864
Toise to Cicero 460.393755
Toise to Classical electron radius 6.92 * 1014
Toise to Cubit (biblical) 4.262905
Toise to Cun (Chinese) 58.475848
Toise to Decimeter 19.49
Toise to Dekameter 0.1949
Toise to Digit 102.309711
Toise to Dioptre 1.949
Toise to Earth’s distance from Sun 1.3 * 10-11
Toise to Earth’s equatorial radius 3.06 * 10-7
Toise to Earth’s polar radius 3.07 * 10-7
Toise to Eksameter 1.95 * 10-18
Toise to Etzbah (biblical) 102.309711
Toise to Fan (Hong Kong) 524.629879
Toise to Fathom 1.065726
Toise to Femtometer 1.95 * 1015
Toise to Fen (Chinese) 584.758476
Toise to Fermi 1.95 * 1015
Toise to Finger 87.713771
Toise to Foot 6.394357
Toise to Geographical mile 0.000263
Toise to Gigalight year 2.06 * 10-25
Toise to Gigameter 1.95 * 10-9
Toise to Goad 1.420554
Toise to Gunter’s chain 0.096869
Toise to Gunter’s foot 6.394357
Toise to Gunter’s link 9.686879
Toise to Gunter’s pole 0.387552
Toise to Gurley’s chain 0.193738
Toise to Gurley’s link 9.686879
Toise to Hand 19.183071
Toise to Hand 19.183071
Toise to Handbreadth (biblical) 25.577428
Toise to Hao (Chinese) 58 475.848
Toise to Hectometer 0.01949
Toise to Hiro (Japanese) 1.072057
Toise to Horizontal pitch 383.661417
Toise to Hu (Chinese) 5 847 584.758
Toise to Imperial chain 0.096884
Toise to Imperial foot 5.999877
Toise to Imperial foot 6.394357
Toise to Imperial furlong 0.009688
Toise to Imperial inch 76.732286
Toise to Imperial line 920.787314
Toise to Imperial mile 0.001211
Toise to Imperial palm 19.183071
Toise to Imperial rod 0.387537
Toise to Japanese cho 0.017867
Toise to Japanese ken 1.072024
Toise to Japanese ken-shaku 6.432146
Toise to Japanese ri 0.000496
Toise to Japanese sang 64.321463
Toise to Jo (Japanese) 0.643234
Toise to Ken (Japanese) 1.072057
Toise to Khuep (Thai) 7.796
Toise to Kilometer 0.001949
Toise to Kiloparsec 6.32 * 10-20
Toise to Kiloyard 0.002131
Toise to Krabiat (Thai) 374.231951
Toise to Land 0.001211
Toise to League, imperial lea 0.000404
Toise to Legua 0.000466
Toise to Li (Chinese) 0.003898
Toise to Li small (Chinese) 5 847.585
Toise to Lieue marine 0.000439
Toise to Lieue commune 0.000438
Toise to Lieue de post 0.0005
Toise to Lieue metrique 0.000487
Toise to Light microsecond 0.006501
Toise to Light millisecond 6.5 * 10-6
Toise to Light minute 1.08 * 10-10
Toise to Light nanosecond 6.501164
Toise to Light second 6.5 * 10-9
Toise to Light year 2.06 * 10-16
Toise to Light-day 7.52 * 10-14
Toise to Light-hour 1.81 * 10-12
Toise to Light-week 1.07 * 10-14
Toise to Ligne 863.91844
Toise to Line 920.642419
Toise to Linea 1 007.235
Toise to Lunar distance 5.08 * 10-9
Toise to Megameter 1.95 * 10-6
Toise to Megaparsec 6.32 * 10-23
Toise to Meter 1.949
Toise to Microinch 7.67 * 107
Toise to Micrometer (micron) 1 949 000
Toise to Micron 1 949 000
Toise to Mile (Ancient Greek) 0.001404
Toise to Millimeter 1 949
Toise to Mo (Japanese) 64 323.432
Toise to Nail 8.525809
Toise to Nanometer 1.95 * 109
Toise to Nautical league 0.000351
Toise to Nautical mile 0.001052
Toise to Nio (Thai) 93.566971
Toise to Old Russian ell 4.640475
Toise to Old Russian inch 76.732286
Toise to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 0.785887
Toise to Old Russian line 767.322859
Toise to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 1.107386
Toise to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 0.000913
Toise to Old Russian mile 0.000261
Toise to Old Russian pyad 10.961755
Toise to Old Russian sazhen 2.740438
Toise to Old Russian sazhen 0.91348
Toise to Old Russian vershok 43.847023
Toise to Old Russian verst 0.001827
Toise to Pace 2.557743
Toise to Palm 25.577428
Toise to Parsec 6.32 * 10-17
Toise to Paso 1.399139
Toise to Perch 0.387537
Toise to Perche 0.333333
Toise to Petameter 1.95 * 10-15
Toise to Pica 460.393701
Toise to Pica 462.176903
Toise to Picometer 1.95 * 1012
Toise to Pied (French) 6.000616
Toise to Pixel 7 393.778
Toise to Planck length 1.21 * 1035
Toise to Point 5 524.725
Toise to Pole 0.387537
Toise to Poppyseed 920.642419
Toise to Pouce 71.998522
Toise to Pulgada 83.936262
Toise to Punto 12 090.571
Toise to Rack unit 43.847019
Toise to Ramsden’s chain 0.063944
Toise to Ramsden’s link 6.394357
Toise to Red shift 1.5 * 10-26
Toise to Rin (Japanese) 6 432.343
Toise to Rope 0.319718
Toise to Sen (Thai) 0.048725
Toise to Shackle 0.071054
Toise to Shaftment 12.788714
Toise to Shaku (Japanese) 6.432343
Toise to Si (Chinese) 584 758.476
Toise to Skein 0.017767
Toise to Small cable length 0.010524
Toise to Sok (Thai) 3.898
Toise to Solar radius 2.8 * 10-9
Toise to Span 8.525809
Toise to Span (biblical) 8.525809
Toise to Stadium attic 0.010535
Toise to Stadium Olympic 0.010135
Toise to Stadium ptolemey 0.010535
Toise to Sun (Japanese) 64.323432
Toise to Terameter 1.95 * 10-12
Toise to Thousand of orgium 0.001053
Toise to Tsun (Hong Kong) 52.462988
Toise to Twip 110 927.718
Toise to Vara (Spanish) 6.995693
Toise to Wa (Thai) 0.9745
Toise to X unit 1.94 * 1013
Toise to Yard 2.131452
Toise to Yin (Chinese) 0.058476
Toise to Yot (Thai) 0.000122
Toise to Zhang (Chinese) 0.584758
Toise to Вара 2.331898