Measurement unit converter

Length units

League conversion table

League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman cubit 10 073.512
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman akt 125.918907
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman decimpeda 1 511.027
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman digit 241 764.269
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman millarium 3.022053
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 181 323.190
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman pace 3 022.053
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 18 136.862
League, imperial lea to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 15 110.270
League, imperial lea to Angstrom 4.83 * 1013
League, imperial lea to Arpent 82.572819
League, imperial lea to Astronomical unit 3.23 * 10-8
League, imperial lea to Atomic unit of length 9.12 * 1013
League, imperial lea to Attometer 4.83 * 1021
League, imperial lea to Barleycorn 570 217.635
League, imperial lea to Bohr radius 9.12 * 1013
League, imperial lea to Bolt 131.985585
League, imperial lea to Bu (Japanese) 1 593 410.138
League, imperial lea to Button 2 280 601.189
League, imperial lea to Cable length 22.000003
League, imperial lea to Caliber 1.9 * 107
League, imperial lea to Cek (Hong Kong) 12 996.050
League, imperial lea to Centiinch 1.9 * 107
League, imperial lea to Centimeter 482 803.272
League, imperial lea to Chi (Chinese) 14 485.547
League, imperial lea to Cho (Japanese) 44.253279
League, imperial lea to Cicero 1 140 480.302
League, imperial lea to Classical electron radius 1.71 * 1018
League, imperial lea to Cubit (biblical) 10 560.002
League, imperial lea to Cun (Chinese) 144 855.467
League, imperial lea to Decimeter 48 280.327
League, imperial lea to Dekameter 482.803272
League, imperial lea to Digit 253 440.038
League, imperial lea to Dioptre 4 828.033
League, imperial lea to Earth’s distance from Sun 3.23 * 10-8
League, imperial lea to Earth’s equatorial radius 0.000757
League, imperial lea to Earth’s polar radius 0.00076
League, imperial lea to Eksameter 4.83 * 10-15
League, imperial lea to Etzbah (biblical) 253 440.038
League, imperial lea to Fan (Hong Kong) 1 299 605.038
League, imperial lea to Fathom 2 640.001
League, imperial lea to Femtometer 4.83 * 1018
League, imperial lea to Fen (Chinese) 1 448 554.670
League, imperial lea to Fermi 4.83 * 1018
League, imperial lea to Finger 217 283.201
League, imperial lea to Foot 15 840.003
League, imperial lea to Geographical mile 0.650678
League, imperial lea to Gigalight year 5.1 * 10-22
League, imperial lea to Gigameter 4.83 * 10-6
League, imperial lea to Goad 3 518.974
League, imperial lea to Gunter’s chain 239.961865
League, imperial lea to Gunter’s foot 15 840.002
League, imperial lea to Gunter’s link 23 996.186
League, imperial lea to Gunter’s pole 960.038321
League, imperial lea to Gurley’s chain 479.923729
League, imperial lea to Gurley’s link 23 996.186
League, imperial lea to Hand 47 520.007
League, imperial lea to Hand 47 520.007
League, imperial lea to Handbreadth (biblical) 63 360.009
League, imperial lea to Hao (Chinese) 1.45 * 108
League, imperial lea to Hectometer 48.280327
League, imperial lea to Hiro (Japanese) 2 655.684
League, imperial lea to Horizontal pitch 950 400.141
League, imperial lea to Hu (Chinese) 1.45 * 1010
League, imperial lea to Imperial chain 240.000058
League, imperial lea to Imperial foot 14 862.802
League, imperial lea to Imperial foot 15 840.003
League, imperial lea to Imperial furlong 24.000006
League, imperial lea to Imperial inch 190 080.034
League, imperial lea to Imperial line 2 280 960.122
League, imperial lea to Imperial mile 3
League, imperial lea to Imperial palm 47 520.009
League, imperial lea to Imperial rod 960.000232
League, imperial lea to Japanese cho 44.260039
League, imperial lea to Japanese ken 2 655.602
League, imperial lea to Japanese ken-shaku 15 933.614
League, imperial lea to Japanese ri 1.229445
League, imperial lea to Japanese sang 159 336.136
League, imperial lea to Jo (Japanese) 1 593.410
League, imperial lea to Ken (Japanese) 2 655.684
League, imperial lea to Khuep (Thai) 19 312.131
League, imperial lea to Kilometer 4.828033
League, imperial lea to Kiloparsec 1.56 * 10-16
League, imperial lea to Kiloyard 5.280001
League, imperial lea to Krabiat (Thai) 927 041.612
League, imperial lea to Land 3.000642
League, imperial lea to Legua 1.155032
League, imperial lea to Li (Chinese) 9.656065
League, imperial lea to Li small (Chinese) 1.45 * 107
League, imperial lea to Lieue marine 1.087395
League, imperial lea to Lieue commune 1.084464
League, imperial lea to Lieue de post 1.238592
League, imperial lea to Lieue metrique 1.207008
League, imperial lea to Light microsecond 16.104584
League, imperial lea to Light millisecond 0.016105
League, imperial lea to Light minute 2.68 * 10-7
League, imperial lea to Light nanosecond 16 104.584
League, imperial lea to Light second 1.61 * 10-5
League, imperial lea to Light year 5.1 * 10-13
League, imperial lea to Light-day 1.86 * 10-10
League, imperial lea to Light-hour 4.47 * 10-9
League, imperial lea to Light-week 2.66 * 10-11
League, imperial lea to Ligne 2 140 085.424
League, imperial lea to Line 2 280 601.189
League, imperial lea to Linea 2 495 107.347
League, imperial lea to Lunar distance 1.26 * 10-5
League, imperial lea to Megameter 0.004828
League, imperial lea to Megaparsec 1.56 * 10-19
League, imperial lea to Meter 4 828.033
League, imperial lea to Microinch 1.9 * 1011
League, imperial lea to Micrometer (micron) 4.83 * 109
League, imperial lea to Micron 4.83 * 109
League, imperial lea to Mile (Ancient Greek) 3.47841
League, imperial lea to Millimeter 4 828 032.717
League, imperial lea to Mo (Japanese) 1.59 * 108
League, imperial lea to Nail 21 120.003
League, imperial lea to Nanometer 4.83 * 1012
League, imperial lea to Nautical league 0.868976
League, imperial lea to Nautical mile 2.606929
League, imperial lea to Nio (Thai) 231 782.656
League, imperial lea to Old Russian ell 11 495.314
League, imperial lea to Old Russian inch 190 080.034
League, imperial lea to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 1 946.787
League, imperial lea to Old Russian line 1 900 800.343
League, imperial lea to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 2 743.200
League, imperial lea to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 2.262857
League, imperial lea to Old Russian mile 0.646496
League, imperial lea to Old Russian pyad 27 154.290
League, imperial lea to Old Russian sazhen 6 788.571
League, imperial lea to Old Russian sazhen 2 262.857
League, imperial lea to Old Russian vershok 108 617.169
League, imperial lea to Old Russian verst 4.525715
League, imperial lea to Pace 6 336.001
League, imperial lea to Palm 63 360.009
League, imperial lea to Parsec 1.56 * 10-13
League, imperial lea to Paso 3 465.924
League, imperial lea to Perch 960.000143
League, imperial lea to Perche 825.728188
League, imperial lea to Petameter 4.83 * 10-12
League, imperial lea to Pica 1 140 480.169
League, imperial lea to Pica 1 144 897.490
League, imperial lea to Picometer 4.83 * 1015
League, imperial lea to Pied (French) 14 864.633
League, imperial lea to Pixel 1.83 * 107
League, imperial lea to Planck length 2.99 * 1038
League, imperial lea to Point 1.37 * 107
League, imperial lea to Pole 960.000143
League, imperial lea to Poppyseed 2 280 601.189
League, imperial lea to Pouce 178 353.628
League, imperial lea to Pulgada 207 925.612
League, imperial lea to Punto 3 * 107
League, imperial lea to Rack unit 108 617.159
League, imperial lea to Ramsden’s chain 158.400024
League, imperial lea to Ramsden’s link 15 840.002
League, imperial lea to Red shift 3.71 * 10-23
League, imperial lea to Rin (Japanese) 1.59 * 107
League, imperial lea to Rope 792.000118
League, imperial lea to Sen (Thai) 120.700818
League, imperial lea to Shackle 176.012859
League, imperial lea to Shaftment 31 680.005
League, imperial lea to Shaku (Japanese) 15 934.101
League, imperial lea to Si (Chinese) 1.45 * 109
League, imperial lea to Skein 44.011237
League, imperial lea to Small cable length 26.069291
League, imperial lea to Sok (Thai) 9 656.065
League, imperial lea to Solar radius 6.94 * 10-6
League, imperial lea to Span 21 120.003
League, imperial lea to Span (biblical) 21 120.003
League, imperial lea to Stadium attic 26.097474
League, imperial lea to Stadium Olympic 25.106774
League, imperial lea to Stadium ptolemey 26.097474
League, imperial lea to Sun (Japanese) 159 341.014
League, imperial lea to Terameter 4.83 * 10-9
League, imperial lea to Thousand of orgium 2.608338
League, imperial lea to Toise 2 477.185
League, imperial lea to Tsun (Hong Kong) 129 960.504
League, imperial lea to Twip 2.75 * 108
League, imperial lea to Vara (Spanish) 17 329.622
League, imperial lea to Wa (Thai) 2 414.016
League, imperial lea to X unit 4.82 * 1016
League, imperial lea to Yard 5 279.999
League, imperial lea to Yin (Chinese) 144.855467
League, imperial lea to Yot (Thai) 0.301752
League, imperial lea to Zhang (Chinese) 1 448.555
League, imperial lea to Вара 5 776.541