Measurement unit converter

Length units

Land, calculator online, converter conversion table

Land to Ancient Roman cubit 3 357.119
Land to Ancient Roman akt 41.963991
Land to Ancient Roman decimpeda 503.567926
Land to Ancient Roman digit 80 570.852
Land to Ancient Roman millarium 1.007136
Land to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 60 428.135
Land to Ancient Roman pace 1 007.136
Land to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 6 044.328
Land to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 5 035.679
Land to Angstrom 1.61 * 1013
Land to Arpent 27.518385
Land to Astronomical unit 1.08 * 10-8
Land to Atomic unit of length 3.04 * 1013
Land to Attometer 1.61 * 1021
Land to Barleycorn 190 031.889
Land to Bohr radius 3.04 * 1013
Land to Bolt 43.985785
Land to Bu (Japanese) 531 023.102
Land to Button 760 037.789
Land to Cable length 7.331766
Land to Caliber 6 334 645.669
Land to Cek (Hong Kong) 4 331.090
Land to Centiinch 6 334 645.669
Land to Centimeter 160 900
Land to Chi (Chinese) 4 827.483
Land to Cho (Japanese) 14.747938
Land to Cicero 380 078.785
Land to Classical electron radius 5.71 * 1017
Land to Cubit (biblical) 3 519.248
Land to Cun (Chinese) 48 274.827
Land to Decimeter 16 090
Land to Dekameter 160.9
Land to Digit 84 461.942
Land to Dioptre 1 609
Land to Earth’s distance from Sun 1.08 * 10-8
Land to Earth’s equatorial radius 0.000252
Land to Earth’s polar radius 0.000253
Land to Eksameter 1.61 * 10-15
Land to Etzbah (biblical) 84 461.942
Land to Fan (Hong Kong) 433 109.017
Land to Fathom 879.81198
Land to Femtometer 1.61 * 1018
Land to Fen (Chinese) 482 748.275
Land to Fermi 1.61 * 1018
Land to Finger 72 412.241
Land to Foot 5 278.872
Land to Geographical mile 0.216846
Land to Gigalight year 1.7 * 10-22
Land to Gigameter 1.61 * 10-6
Land to Goad 1 172.741
Land to Gunter’s chain 79.970179
Land to Gunter’s foot 5 278.871
Land to Gunter’s link 7 997.018
Land to Gunter’s pole 319.944323
Land to Gurley’s chain 159.940358
Land to Gurley’s link 7 997.018
Land to Hand 15 836.614
Land to Hand 15 836.614
Land to Handbreadth (biblical) 21 115.486
Land to Hao (Chinese) 4.83 * 107
Land to Hectometer 16.09
Land to Hiro (Japanese) 885.038504
Land to Horizontal pitch 316 732.283
Land to Hu (Chinese) 4.83 * 109
Land to Imperial chain 79.982907
Land to Imperial foot 4 953.208
Land to Imperial foot 5 278.872
Land to Imperial furlong 7.998291
Land to Imperial inch 63 346.459
Land to Imperial line 760 157.408
Land to Imperial mile 0.999786
Land to Imperial palm 15 836.615
Land to Imperial rod 319.931629
Land to Japanese cho 14.750191
Land to Japanese ken 885.011464
Land to Japanese ken-shaku 5 310.068
Land to Japanese ri 0.409728
Land to Japanese sang 53 100.685
Land to Jo (Japanese) 531.023102
Land to Ken (Japanese) 885.038504
Land to Khuep (Thai) 6 436
Land to Kilometer 1.609
Land to Kiloparsec 5.21 * 10-17
Land to Kiloyard 1.759624
Land to Krabiat (Thai) 308 947.773
Land to League, imperial lea 0.333262
Land to Legua 0.384928
Land to Li (Chinese) 3.218
Land to Li small (Chinese) 4 827 482.748
Land to Lieue marine 0.362387
Land to Lieue commune 0.361411
Land to Lieue de post 0.412776
Land to Lieue metrique 0.40225
Land to Light microsecond 5.367046
Land to Light millisecond 0.005367
Land to Light minute 8.95 * 10-8
Land to Light nanosecond 5 367.046
Land to Light second 5.37 * 10-6
Land to Light year 1.7 * 10-13
Land to Light-day 6.21 * 10-11
Land to Light-hour 1.49 * 10-9
Land to Light-week 8.87 * 10-12
Land to Ligne 713 209.220
Land to Line 760 037.789
Land to Linea 831 524.548
Land to Lunar distance 4.19 * 10-6
Land to Megameter 0.001609
Land to Megaparsec 5.21 * 10-20
Land to Meter 1 609
Land to Microinch 6.33 * 1010
Land to Micrometer (micron) 1.61 * 109
Land to Micron 1.61 * 109
Land to Mile (Ancient Greek) 1.159222
Land to Millimeter 1 609 000
Land to Mo (Japanese) 5.31 * 107
Land to Nail 7 038.495
Land to Nanometer 1.61 * 1012
Land to Nautical league 0.289597
Land to Nautical mile 0.86879
Land to Nio (Thai) 77 244.359
Land to Old Russian ell 3 830.952
Land to Old Russian inch 63 346.459
Land to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 648.790312
Land to Old Russian line 633 464.587
Land to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 914.204516
Land to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 0.754124
Land to Old Russian mile 0.215453
Land to Old Russian pyad 9 049.494
Land to Old Russian sazhen 2 262.373
Land to Old Russian sazhen 754.124463
Land to Old Russian vershok 36 197.979
Land to Old Russian verst 1.508249
Land to Pace 2 111.549
Land to Palm 21 115.486
Land to Parsec 5.21 * 10-14
Land to Paso 1 155.061
Land to Perch 319.931599
Land to Perche 275.183855
Land to Petameter 1.61 * 10-12
Land to Pica 380 078.740
Land to Pica 381 550.866
Land to Picometer 1.61 * 1015
Land to Pied (French) 4 953.818
Land to Pixel 6 103 945.372
Land to Planck length 9.96 * 1037
Land to Point 4 560 945.414
Land to Pole 319.931599
Land to Poppyseed 760 037.789
Land to Pouce 59 438.493
Land to Pulgada 69 293.712
Land to Punto 9 981 389.578
Land to Rack unit 36 197.975
Land to Ramsden’s chain 52.788714
Land to Ramsden’s link 5 278.871
Land to Red shift 1.23 * 10-23
Land to Rin (Japanese) 5 310 231.023
Land to Rope 263.94357
Land to Sen (Thai) 40.225
Land to Shackle 58.658403
Land to Shaftment 10 557.743
Land to Shaku (Japanese) 5 310.231
Land to Si (Chinese) 4.83 * 108
Land to Skein 14.667274
Land to Small cable length 8.687905
Land to Sok (Thai) 3 218
Land to Solar radius 2.31 * 10-6
Land to Span 7 038.495
Land to Span (biblical) 7 038.495
Land to Stadium attic 8.697297
Land to Stadium Olympic 8.367135
Land to Stadium ptolemey 8.697297
Land to Sun (Japanese) 53 102.310
Land to Terameter 1.61 * 10-9
Land to Thousand of orgium 0.86926
Land to Toise 825.551565
Land to Tsun (Hong Kong) 43 310.902
Land to Twip 9.16 * 107
Land to Vara (Spanish) 5 775.305
Land to Wa (Thai) 804.5
Land to X unit 1.61 * 1016
Land to Yard 1 759.623
Land to Yin (Chinese) 48.274827
Land to Yot (Thai) 0.100563
Land to Zhang (Chinese) 482.748275
Land to Вара 1 925.102