Measurement unit converter

Length units

Khuep (Thai), calculator online, converter conversion table

Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman cubit 0.521616
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman akt 0.00652
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman decimpeda 0.078242
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman digit 12.518778
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman millarium 0.000156
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 9.389083
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman pace 0.156485
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 0.939144
Khuep (Thai) to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 0.782424
Khuep (Thai) to Angstrom 2.5 * 109
Khuep (Thai) to Arpent 0.004276
Khuep (Thai) to Astronomical unit 1.67 * 10-12
Khuep (Thai) to Atomic unit of length 4.72 * 109
Khuep (Thai) to Attometer 2.5 * 1017
Khuep (Thai) to Barleycorn 29.526397
Khuep (Thai) to Bohr radius 4.72 * 109
Khuep (Thai) to Bolt 0.006834
Khuep (Thai) to Bu (Japanese) 82.508251
Khuep (Thai) to Button 118.091639
Khuep (Thai) to Cable length 0.001139
Khuep (Thai) to Caliber 984.251969
Khuep (Thai) to Cek (Hong Kong) 0.672948
Khuep (Thai) to Centiinch 984.251969
Khuep (Thai) to Centimeter 25
Khuep (Thai) to Chi (Chinese) 0.750075
Khuep (Thai) to Cho (Japanese) 0.002291
Khuep (Thai) to Cicero 59.055125
Khuep (Thai) to Classical electron radius 8.87 * 1013
Khuep (Thai) to Cubit (biblical) 0.546807
Khuep (Thai) to Cun (Chinese) 7.50075
Khuep (Thai) to Decimeter 2.5
Khuep (Thai) to Dekameter 0.025
Khuep (Thai) to Digit 13.12336
Khuep (Thai) to Dioptre 0.25
Khuep (Thai) to Earth’s distance from Sun 1.67 * 10-12
Khuep (Thai) to Earth’s equatorial radius 3.92 * 10-8
Khuep (Thai) to Earth’s polar radius 3.93 * 10-8
Khuep (Thai) to Eksameter 2.5 * 10-19
Khuep (Thai) to Etzbah (biblical) 13.12336
Khuep (Thai) to Fan (Hong Kong) 67.294751
Khuep (Thai) to Fathom 0.136702
Khuep (Thai) to Femtometer 2.5 * 1014
Khuep (Thai) to Fen (Chinese) 75.007501
Khuep (Thai) to Fermi 2.5 * 1014
Khuep (Thai) to Finger 11.251125
Khuep (Thai) to Foot 0.82021
Khuep (Thai) to Geographical mile 3.37 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Gigalight year 2.64 * 10-26
Khuep (Thai) to Gigameter 2.5 * 10-10
Khuep (Thai) to Goad 0.182216
Khuep (Thai) to Gunter’s chain 0.012425
Khuep (Thai) to Gunter’s foot 0.82021
Khuep (Thai) to Gunter’s link 1.242545
Khuep (Thai) to Gunter’s pole 0.049712
Khuep (Thai) to Gurley’s chain 0.024851
Khuep (Thai) to Gurley’s link 1.242545
Khuep (Thai) to Hand 2.46063
Khuep (Thai) to Hand 2.46063
Khuep (Thai) to Handbreadth (biblical) 3.28084
Khuep (Thai) to Hao (Chinese) 7 500.750
Khuep (Thai) to Hectometer 0.0025
Khuep (Thai) to Hiro (Japanese) 0.137514
Khuep (Thai) to Horizontal pitch 49.212598
Khuep (Thai) to Hu (Chinese) 750 075.008
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial chain 0.012427
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial foot 0.76961
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial foot 0.82021
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial furlong 0.001243
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial inch 9.84252
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial line 118.110225
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial mile 0.000155
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial palm 2.46063
Khuep (Thai) to Imperial rod 0.04971
Khuep (Thai) to Japanese cho 0.002292
Khuep (Thai) to Japanese ken 0.13751
Khuep (Thai) to Japanese ken-shaku 0.825057
Khuep (Thai) to Japanese ri 6.37 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Japanese sang 8.250573
Khuep (Thai) to Jo (Japanese) 0.082508
Khuep (Thai) to Ken (Japanese) 0.137514
Khuep (Thai) to Kilometer 0.00025
Khuep (Thai) to Kiloparsec 8.1 * 10-21
Khuep (Thai) to Kiloyard 0.000273
Khuep (Thai) to Krabiat (Thai) 48.003072
Khuep (Thai) to Land 0.000155
Khuep (Thai) to League, imperial lea 5.18 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Legua 5.98 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Li (Chinese) 0.0005
Khuep (Thai) to Li small (Chinese) 750.075008
Khuep (Thai) to Lieue marine 5.63 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Lieue commune 5.62 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Lieue de post 6.41 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Lieue metrique 6.25 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Light microsecond 0.000834
Khuep (Thai) to Light millisecond 8.34 * 10-7
Khuep (Thai) to Light minute 1.39 * 10-11
Khuep (Thai) to Light nanosecond 0.83391
Khuep (Thai) to Light second 8.34 * 10-10
Khuep (Thai) to Light year 2.64 * 10-17
Khuep (Thai) to Light-day 9.65 * 10-15
Khuep (Thai) to Light-hour 2.32 * 10-13
Khuep (Thai) to Light-week 1.38 * 10-15
Khuep (Thai) to Ligne 110.815603
Khuep (Thai) to Line 118.091639
Khuep (Thai) to Linea 129.198966
Khuep (Thai) to Lunar distance 6.51 * 10-10
Khuep (Thai) to Megameter 2.5 * 10-7
Khuep (Thai) to Megaparsec 8.1 * 10-24
Khuep (Thai) to Meter 0.25
Khuep (Thai) to Microinch 9 842 519.685
Khuep (Thai) to Micrometer (micron) 250 000
Khuep (Thai) to Micron 250 000
Khuep (Thai) to Mile (Ancient Greek) 0.00018
Khuep (Thai) to Millimeter 250
Khuep (Thai) to Mo (Japanese) 8 250.825
Khuep (Thai) to Nail 1.093613
Khuep (Thai) to Nanometer 2.5 * 108
Khuep (Thai) to Nautical league 4.5 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Nautical mile 0.000135
Khuep (Thai) to Nio (Thai) 12.00192
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian ell 0.595238
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian inch 9.84252
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 0.100806
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian line 98.4252
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 0.142045
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 0.000117
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian mile 3.35 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian pyad 1.406074
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian sazhen 0.351519
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian sazhen 0.117173
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian vershok 5.624298
Khuep (Thai) to Old Russian verst 0.000234
Khuep (Thai) to Pace 0.328084
Khuep (Thai) to Palm 3.28084
Khuep (Thai) to Parsec 8.1 * 10-18
Khuep (Thai) to Paso 0.179469
Khuep (Thai) to Perch 0.04971
Khuep (Thai) to Perche 0.042757
Khuep (Thai) to Petameter 2.5 * 10-16
Khuep (Thai) to Pica 59.055118
Khuep (Thai) to Pica 59.283851
Khuep (Thai) to Picometer 2.5 * 1011
Khuep (Thai) to Pied (French) 0.769704
Khuep (Thai) to Pixel 948.406677
Khuep (Thai) to Planck length 1.55 * 1034
Khuep (Thai) to Point 708.6615
Khuep (Thai) to Pole 0.04971
Khuep (Thai) to Poppyseed 118.091639
Khuep (Thai) to Pouce 9.235316
Khuep (Thai) to Pulgada 10.766581
Khuep (Thai) to Punto 1 550.868
Khuep (Thai) to Rack unit 5.624297
Khuep (Thai) to Ramsden’s chain 0.008202
Khuep (Thai) to Ramsden’s link 0.82021
Khuep (Thai) to Red shift 1.92 * 10-27
Khuep (Thai) to Rin (Japanese) 825.082508
Khuep (Thai) to Rope 0.04101
Khuep (Thai) to Sen (Thai) 0.00625
Khuep (Thai) to Shackle 0.009114
Khuep (Thai) to Shaftment 1.64042
Khuep (Thai) to Shaku (Japanese) 0.825083
Khuep (Thai) to Si (Chinese) 75 007.501
Khuep (Thai) to Skein 0.002279
Khuep (Thai) to Small cable length 0.00135
Khuep (Thai) to Sok (Thai) 0.5
Khuep (Thai) to Solar radius 3.59 * 10-10
Khuep (Thai) to Span 1.093613
Khuep (Thai) to Span (biblical) 1.093613
Khuep (Thai) to Stadium attic 0.001351
Khuep (Thai) to Stadium Olympic 0.0013
Khuep (Thai) to Stadium ptolemey 0.001351
Khuep (Thai) to Sun (Japanese) 8.250825
Khuep (Thai) to Terameter 2.5 * 10-13
Khuep (Thai) to Thousand of orgium 0.000135
Khuep (Thai) to Toise 0.128271
Khuep (Thai) to Tsun (Hong Kong) 6.729475
Khuep (Thai) to Twip 14 228.799
Khuep (Thai) to Vara (Spanish) 0.897344
Khuep (Thai) to Wa (Thai) 0.125
Khuep (Thai) to X unit 2.49 * 1012
Khuep (Thai) to Yard 0.273403
Khuep (Thai) to Yin (Chinese) 0.007501
Khuep (Thai) to Yot (Thai) 1.56 * 10-5
Khuep (Thai) to Zhang (Chinese) 0.075008
Khuep (Thai) to Вара 0.299115