Measurement unit converter

Volume units

Decilitre, calculator online, converter conversion table

Decilitre to Acetabul 1.470588
Decilitre to Acre-foot 8.11 * 10-8
Decilitre to Amphora 0.00383
Decilitre to Attoliter 10 * 1016
Decilitre to Barrel 0.000865
Decilitre to Barrel (dry) 0.000611
Decilitre to Barrel (oil) 0.000629
Decilitre to Bath (biblical) 0.00473
Decilitre to Board foot 0.042378
Decilitre to Bochka 0.000203
Decilitre to Bushel 0.00275
Decilitre to Bushel (dry) 0.002838
Decilitre to Centicubic meter 100
Decilitre to Centilitre 10
Decilitre to Cetverik (mera) 0.003811
Decilitre to Charka 0.813008
Decilitre to Chetvert 0.032522
Decilitre to Ciate 2.205882
Decilitre to Cord 2.76 * 10-5
Decilitre to Cubic astronomical unit 2.99 * 10-38
Decilitre to Cubic foot 0.003531
Decilitre to Cubic gigaparsek 3.4 * 10-81
Decilitre to Cubic inch 6.102374
Decilitre to Cubic kilometer 1 * 10-13
Decilitre to Cubic kpc 3.4 * 10-63
Decilitre to Cubic meter 0.0001
Decilitre to Cubic mile 2.4 * 10-14
Decilitre to Cubic Mpc 3.4 * 10-72
Decilitre to Cubic parsec 3.4 * 10-54
Decilitre to Cubic ped (quadrantal) 0.00383
Decilitre to Cubic yard 0.000131
Decilitre to Cuo (Chinese) 100
Decilitre to Cup 0.422675
Decilitre to Dan (Chinese) 0.001
Decilitre to Decalitre 0.01
Decilitre to Decicubic meter 0.1
Decilitre to Decistere 0.001
Decilitre to Dekastere 1 * 10-5
Decilitre to Dou (Chinese) 0.01
Decilitre to Drop 2 000
Decilitre to Earth’s volume 9.23 * 10-26
Decilitre to Eksalitre 1 * 10-19
Decilitre to Ephah (biblical) 0.00473
Decilitre to Femtoliter 10 * 1013
Decilitre to Fluid dram 27.05122
Decilitre to Fluid ounce 3.381402
Decilitre to Gallon (dry) 0.022702
Decilitre to Gallon (imperial) 0.021997
Decilitre to Gallon (liquid) 0.026417
Decilitre to Garnetz 0.03049
Decilitre to Ge (Chinese) 1
Decilitre to Gemin 0.367647
Decilitre to Gigalitre 10 * 10-11
Decilitre to Gill (dry) 0.726466
Decilitre to Gill (liquid) 0.845351
Decilitre to Go (Japanese) 0.554324
Decilitre to Hectoliter 0.001
Decilitre to Hin (biblical) 0.028377
Decilitre to Hogshead 0.001419
Decilitre to Homer (biblical) 0.000473
Decilitre to Kav (biblical) 0.085106
Decilitre to Kilolitre 0.0001
Decilitre to Kognee 0.030637
Decilitre to Koku (Japanese) 0.000554
Decilitre to Kor (biblical) 0.000473
Decilitre to Kulee (dole) 0.000191
Decilitre to Kwian (Thai) 5 * 10-5
Decilitre to Letek (biblical) 0.000946
Decilitre to Liter 0.1
Decilitre to Litron (French) 0.120337
Decilitre to Log (biblical) 0.340483
Decilitre to Megalitre 1 * 10-7
Decilitre to Microlitre 100 000
Decilitre to Millicubic meter 100 000
Decilitre to Millilitre 100
Decilitre to Minim 1 623.073
Decilitre to Minot (French) 0.002941
Decilitre to Modium 0.011489
Decilitre to Nanolitre 10 * 107
Decilitre to Omer (biblical) 0.047304
Decilitre to Peck (dry) 0.011351
Decilitre to Peck (imperial) 0.010998
Decilitre to Perch (liquid) 0.000143
Decilitre to Petalitre 1 * 10-16
Decilitre to Picolitre 10 * 1010
Decilitre to Pint (dry) 0.181617
Decilitre to Pint (imperial) 0.175975
Decilitre to Pint (liquid) 0.211338
Decilitre to Planck volume 2.37 * 10100
Decilitre to Quart 0.735294
Decilitre to Quart (dry) 0.090808
Decilitre to Quart (imperial) 0.087988
Decilitre to Quart (liquid) 0.105669
Decilitre to Quartarium 0.735294
Decilitre to Register ton 3.53 * 10-5
Decilitre to Sai (Japanese) 55.432373
Decilitre to Sat (Thai) 0.004
Decilitre to Semodium 0.022978
Decilitre to Sextarium 0.183824
Decilitre to Se’ah (biblical) 0.014188
Decilitre to Shaku (Japanese) 5.543237
Decilitre to Shao (Chinese) 10
Decilitre to Sheng (Chinese) 0.1
Decilitre to Shkalik 1.626016
Decilitre to Sho (Japanese) 0.055432
Decilitre to Shtoff 0.081301
Decilitre to Stere 0.0001
Decilitre to Tablespoon 6.762805
Decilitre to Teaspoon 20.28841
Decilitre to Teralitre 1 * 10-13
Decilitre to Thanan (Thai) 0.1
Decilitre to To (Japanese) 0.005543
Decilitre to UK cup 0.351951
Decilitre to UK dessertspoon 8.446819
Decilitre to UK fluid ounce 3.519508
Decilitre to UK tablespoon 5.631213
Decilitre to UK teaspoon 16.893638
Decilitre to Urn 0.007659
Decilitre to US barrel 0.000839
Decilitre to US cup 0.422675
Decilitre to US dessertspoon 10.144207
Decilitre to US gallon 0.026417
Decilitre to US tablespoon 6.762805
Decilitre to US teaspoon 20.288414
Decilitre to Vedro (dry) 0.00813
Decilitre to Vedro (liq.) 0.00813
Decilitre to Vine bottle 0.130081
Decilitre to Vodka bottle 0.162602