Measurement unit converter

Length units

Arpent, calculator online, converter conversion table

Arpent to Ancient Roman cubit 121.995492
Arpent to Ancient Roman akt 1.524944
Arpent to Ancient Roman decimpeda 18.299327
Arpent to Ancient Roman digit 2 927.892
Arpent to Ancient Roman millarium 0.036599
Arpent to Ancient Roman ounce (inch) 2 195.919
Arpent to Ancient Roman pace 36.598647
Arpent to Ancient Roman ped (ligal) 219.646882
Arpent to Ancient Roman ped (ordinary) 182.993267
Arpent to Angstrom 5.85 * 1011
Arpent to Astronomical unit 3.91 * 10-10
Arpent to Atomic unit of length 1.1 * 1012
Arpent to Attometer 5.85 * 1019
Arpent to Barleycorn 6 905.634
Arpent to Bohr radius 1.1 * 1012
Arpent to Bolt 1.598414
Arpent to Bu (Japanese) 19 297.030
Arpent to Button 27 619.273
Arpent to Cable length 0.266432
Arpent to Caliber 230 196.850
Arpent to Cek (Hong Kong) 157.388964
Arpent to Centiinch 230 196.850
Arpent to Centimeter 5 847
Arpent to Chi (Chinese) 175.427543
Arpent to Cho (Japanese) 0.53593
Arpent to Cicero 13 811.813
Arpent to Classical electron radius 2.07 * 1016
Arpent to Cubit (biblical) 127.887139
Arpent to Cun (Chinese) 1 754.275
Arpent to Decimeter 584.7
Arpent to Dekameter 5.847
Arpent to Digit 3 069.291
Arpent to Dioptre 58.47
Arpent to Earth’s distance from Sun 3.91 * 10-10
Arpent to Earth’s equatorial radius 9.17 * 10-6
Arpent to Earth’s polar radius 9.2 * 10-6
Arpent to Eksameter 5.85 * 10-17
Arpent to Etzbah (biblical) 3 069.291
Arpent to Fan (Hong Kong) 15 738.896
Arpent to Fathom 31.971788
Arpent to Femtometer 5.85 * 1016
Arpent to Fen (Chinese) 17 542.754
Arpent to Fermi 5.85 * 1016
Arpent to Finger 2 631.413
Arpent to Foot 191.830715
Arpent to Geographical mile 0.00788
Arpent to Gigalight year 6.18 * 10-24
Arpent to Gigameter 5.85 * 10-8
Arpent to Goad 42.616618
Arpent to Gunter’s chain 2.906064
Arpent to Gunter’s foot 191.830709
Arpent to Gunter’s link 290.606362
Arpent to Gunter’s pole 11.626566
Arpent to Gurley’s chain 5.812127
Arpent to Gurley’s link 290.606362
Arpent to Hand 575.492126
Arpent to Hand 575.492126
Arpent to Handbreadth (biblical) 767.322835
Arpent to Hao (Chinese) 1 754 275.428
Arpent to Hectometer 0.5847
Arpent to Hiro (Japanese) 32.161716
Arpent to Horizontal pitch 11 509.843
Arpent to Hu (Chinese) 1.75 * 108
Arpent to Imperial chain 2.906526
Arpent to Imperial foot 179.996306
Arpent to Imperial foot 191.830715
Arpent to Imperial furlong 0.290653
Arpent to Imperial inch 2 301.969
Arpent to Imperial line 27 623.619
Arpent to Imperial mile 0.036332
Arpent to Imperial palm 575.492144
Arpent to Imperial rod 11.626105
Arpent to Japanese cho 0.536012
Arpent to Japanese ken 32.160734
Arpent to Japanese ken-shaku 192.96439
Arpent to Japanese ri 0.014889
Arpent to Japanese sang 1 929.644
Arpent to Jo (Japanese) 19.29703
Arpent to Ken (Japanese) 32.161716
Arpent to Khuep (Thai) 233.88
Arpent to Kilometer 0.05847
Arpent to Kiloparsec 1.89 * 10-18
Arpent to Kiloyard 0.063944
Arpent to Krabiat (Thai) 11 226.959
Arpent to Land 0.036339
Arpent to League, imperial lea 0.012111
Arpent to Legua 0.013988
Arpent to Li (Chinese) 0.11694
Arpent to Li small (Chinese) 175 427.543
Arpent to Lieue marine 0.013169
Arpent to Lieue commune 0.013133
Arpent to Lieue de post 0.015
Arpent to Lieue metrique 0.014618
Arpent to Light microsecond 0.195035
Arpent to Light millisecond 0.000195
Arpent to Light minute 3.25 * 10-9
Arpent to Light nanosecond 195.034926
Arpent to Light second 1.95 * 10-7
Arpent to Light year 6.18 * 10-15
Arpent to Light-day 2.26 * 10-12
Arpent to Light-hour 5.42 * 10-11
Arpent to Light-week 3.22 * 10-13
Arpent to Ligne 25 917.553
Arpent to Line 27 619.273
Arpent to Linea 30 217.054
Arpent to Lunar distance 1.52 * 10-7
Arpent to Megameter 5.85 * 10-5
Arpent to Megaparsec 1.89 * 10-21
Arpent to Meter 58.47
Arpent to Microinch 2.3 * 109
Arpent to Micrometer (micron) 5.85 * 107
Arpent to Micron 5.85 * 107
Arpent to Mile (Ancient Greek) 0.042125
Arpent to Millimeter 58 470
Arpent to Mo (Japanese) 1 929 702.970
Arpent to Nail 255.774278
Arpent to Nanometer 5.85 * 1010
Arpent to Nautical league 0.010524
Arpent to Nautical mile 0.031571
Arpent to Nio (Thai) 2 807.009
Arpent to Old Russian ell 139.214263
Arpent to Old Russian inch 2 301.969
Arpent to Old Russian kosaya sazhen 23.576613
Arpent to Old Russian line 23 019.686
Arpent to Old Russian makhovaya sazhen 33.22159
Arpent to Old Russian mezhevaya verst 0.027404
Arpent to Old Russian mile 0.007829
Arpent to Old Russian pyad 328.852646
Arpent to Old Russian sazhen 82.213147
Arpent to Old Russian sazhen 27.404386
Arpent to Old Russian vershok 1 315.411
Arpent to Old Russian verst 0.054809
Arpent to Pace 76.732283
Arpent to Palm 767.322835
Arpent to Parsec 1.9 * 10-15
Arpent to Paso 41.974156
Arpent to Perch 11.626104
Arpent to Perche 10
Arpent to Petameter 5.85 * 10-14
Arpent to Pica 13 811.811
Arpent to Pica 13 865.307
Arpent to Picometer 5.85 * 1013
Arpent to Pied (French) 180.018473
Arpent to Pixel 221 813.354
Arpent to Planck length 3.62 * 1036
Arpent to Point 165 741.752
Arpent to Pole 11.626104
Arpent to Poppyseed 27 619.273
Arpent to Pouce 2 159.956
Arpent to Pulgada 2 518.088
Arpent to Punto 362 717.122
Arpent to Rack unit 1 315.411
Arpent to Ramsden’s chain 1.918307
Arpent to Ramsden’s link 191.830709
Arpent to Red shift 4.49 * 10-25
Arpent to Rin (Japanese) 192 970.297
Arpent to Rope 9.591535
Arpent to Sen (Thai) 1.46175
Arpent to Shackle 2.131608
Arpent to Shaftment 383.661417
Arpent to Shaku (Japanese) 192.970297
Arpent to Si (Chinese) 1.75 * 107
Arpent to Skein 0.532999
Arpent to Small cable length 0.315713
Arpent to Sok (Thai) 116.94
Arpent to Solar radius 8.4 * 10-8
Arpent to Span 255.774278
Arpent to Span (biblical) 255.774278
Arpent to Stadium attic 0.316054
Arpent to Stadium Olympic 0.304056
Arpent to Stadium ptolemey 0.316054
Arpent to Sun (Japanese) 1 929.703
Arpent to Terameter 5.85 * 10-11
Arpent to Thousand of orgium 0.031588
Arpent to Toise 30
Arpent to Tsun (Hong Kong) 1 573.890
Arpent to Twip 3 327 831.531
Arpent to Vara (Spanish) 209.870782
Arpent to Wa (Thai) 29.235
Arpent to X unit 5.83 * 1014
Arpent to Yard 63.943552
Arpent to Yin (Chinese) 1.754275
Arpent to Yot (Thai) 0.003654
Arpent to Zhang (Chinese) 17.542754
Arpent to Вара 69.956927