Online calculator CalcProfi

CalcProfi – free calculators, converters, rates, quotes exchange, counters online. Conversion tables, calculation, rate for free.

Online calculators


Date calculators, date converters

   Date calculator
Perform any operations with dates: adding and subtrcting, converting, counting days and time between dates etc.
   Add or subtract days and time from date
Add time to date or subtract time from date.
   Calculate days and time between dates
Calculate date duration between two dates and 2 times, in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
   Date duration calculator
Fint out the difference between two dates in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
   Date to date calculator
Calculate number of days, hours, minutes and seconds between two dates.
   Days counter calculator
Day counter calculator helps to find out how many days, hours, minutes and seconds lasts between two dates.
   How many days until?
Find out how many days, hours, minutes and seconds until specific date.
   How many days in month?
Find out the exact number of days in any month.
   How many days in a year?
Number of days in the current, next, previous or any other year.
   How many days until next birthday?
How many days are left till birthday, how many hours, minutes and seconds are left till your birthday.
   How many days until Christmas?
Christmas countdown, how many days, hours, minutes and seconds left until Xmas.
   How many days until New Years Day?
New Years Day countdown, how many days, hours, minutes and seconds left until New Years Eve.
   How many days are left until St. Valentine's Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till St. Valentine's Day.
   How many days until winter?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining until next winter.
   How many days until summer?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining until next summer.
   How many days until spring?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining until next spring.
   How many days until fall?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining until next fall.
   How many days until Martin Luther King Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Martin Luther King Day.
   How many days until President's Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till President's Day.
   How many days until Memorial Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Memorial Day.
   How many days until Independence Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Independence Day.
   How many days until Labor Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Labor Day.
   How many days until Columbus Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Columbus Day.
   How many days until Veterans Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Veterans Day.
   How many days until Thanksgiving Day?
An exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining till Thanksgiving Day.

Time calculators, time conversion

   Time calculator
Addition, subtraction of time, difference between dates, time conversion: day, hours, minutes, seconds.
   Time converter
Time conversion calculator, converts time to years, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
   Adding and subtracting time
Adding and subtracting time calculator: add or subtract time in days, hours, minutes, seconds.

Mathematic calculators, math, algebra, geometry

   Triangle calculator
Calculate angles, sides and area of a triangle.
   Scientific calculator online
Scientific Calculator Online has functions: operations on numbers and fractions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sine, cosine, tangent, logarithm.
   Advanced calculator online
Advanced calculator calculates sine, cosine, tangent, logarithm, exponent, exponentiation and so on.
   Scientific calculator
Operations on numbers and fractions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sine, cosine, tangen, logarithm, exponential, powers, interests, radians, degrees.
   Algebra expression online calculator
Calculate and simplify algebra expressions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, percent.
   Fraction calculator.
Fraction calculator - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of fractions, also with the integral numbers.
   Decimal to fraction and fraction to decimal calculator
Conversion of decimal number to fraction and fraction to decimal numbers
   Binary numbers calculator
Perform math operations: multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, logical AND, logical OR, modulo 2, with binary numbers
   Roman, arabic, hindi numerals converter
Convert numbers in roman, arabic and hindi numbers systems to each other.
   Decimal, binary, hexadecimal and other number systems conversion
Convert numbers of binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal and other number systems.
   Numbers to millions, billions, trillions, crores, lakhs converter
Convert numbers to millions, billions, trillions, thousands, lakhs and crores. Number of zeros in any number.
   Nth root calculator
Calculate the square, cube and any nth root or radical of any number.
   Square root calculator
Calculate the square root (2 degree root) or radical of any number.
   Cube root calculator
Calculate the cube root (3 degree root) or radical of any number.
   Column addition worksheets
Calculate adding (sum) of two numbers, using column addition method.
   Column subtraction worksheets
Calculate subtracting (difference) of two numbers, using column subtraction method.
   Column multiplication worksheets
Calculate multiplying (product) of two numbers, using column multiplication method.
   Column division worksheets
Calculate dividing (quotient) of two numbers, using column division method.
   Quadratic equation solver calculator
Solve any quadratic equation, find discriminant and all roots of equation.
   Quadratic formula calculator
Solve any quadratic equation, find discriminant and all roots of equation.
   Volume calculator
Find a volume of different geometric shapes, such as cube, cone, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, by different formulas.
   Cube volume formula calculator
Find a volume of a cube, by the formula, using length of cube's edge.
   Cylinder volume formula calculator
Find a volume of cylinder, by the formula, using height and base radius of cylinder.
   Cone volume formula calculator
Find a volume of cone, by the formula, using height and base radius of cone.
   Sphere volume formula calculator
Find a volume of sphere, by the formula, using radius of sphere.
   Triangular rectangular pyramid volume calculator
Find a volume of different types of pyramids, such as triangular, rectangular and any other types of pyramids, by different formulas.
   Area calculator
Find an area of different geometric shapes, such as square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, circle, triangle, by different formulas.
   Area of a circle, circle area formula calculator
Find an area of a rhombus, by the formula, using radius or diameter of circle.
   Area of a parallelogram, parallelogram area formula calculator
Find an area of a parallelogram, by the formulas, using length of sides, height, diagonals and angle between them.
   Area of a rectangle, rectangle area formula calculator
Find an area of a rectangle, by the formulas, using length of sides, length of diagonal and angle between diagonals.
   Area of a rhombus, rhombus area formula calculator
Find an area of a rhombus, by the formulas, using length of side, height, length of diagonals, incircle or circumcircle radius.
   Area of a square, square area formula calculator
Find an area of a square, by the formulas, using length of square sides or diagonal.
   Area of a trapezoid, trapezoid area formula calculator
Find an area of a trapezoid, by the formulas, using length of base sides, height, midline, length of diagonal and angle between them.
   Area of a triangle, equilateral isosceles triangle area formula calculator
Find an area of different types of triangles, such as equilateral, isosceles, right or scalene triangle, by different formulas.
   Perimeter calculator
Find a perimeter of different geometric shapes, such as circle, square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid by different formulas.
   Circumference of a circle (perimeter of a circle) formula calculator
Find a circumference (perimeter) of a circle, by the formula, using radius of a circle.
   Perimeter of a parallelogram, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of parallelogram, by the formula, using length of parallelogram sides.
   Perimeter of a rectangle, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of a rectangle, by the formula, using length of rectangle sides.
   Perimeter of a rhombus, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of rhombus, by the formula, using length of rhombus side.
   Perimeter of a square, perimeter formula calculator
Find perimeter of a square, by the formulas, using length of square side.
   Perimeter of a trapezoid, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of a trapezoid, by the formula, using length of all trapezoid sides.
   Perimeter of a triangle, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of different types of triangles, such as equilateral, isosceles, right or scalene triangle.
   Distance between two points calculator
Calculate distance between two points in two dimensions.
   Distance formula calculator
Calculate distance between two points in two dimensions.
   Midpoint formula calculator
Calculate midpoint of a line segment between two points in two dimensions.

Geometry and trigonometry calculators

   Triangle calculator
Calculate angles, sides and area of a triangle.
   Volume calculator
Find a volume of different geometric shapes, such as cube, cone, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, by different formulas.
   Cube volume formula calculator
Find a volume of a cube, by the formula, using length of cube's edge.
   Cylinder volume formula calculator
Find a volume of cylinder, by the formula, using height and base radius of cylinder.
   Cone volume formula calculator
Find a volume of cone, by the formula, using height and base radius of cone.
   Sphere volume formula calculator
Find a volume of sphere, by the formula, using radius of sphere.
   Triangular rectangular pyramid volume calculator
Find a volume of different types of pyramids, such as triangular, rectangular and any other types of pyramids, by different formulas.
   Area calculator
Find an area of different geometric shapes, such as square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, circle, triangle, by different formulas.
   Area of a circle, circle area formula calculator
Find an area of a rhombus, by the formula, using radius or diameter of circle.
   Area of a parallelogram, parallelogram area formula calculator
Find an area of a parallelogram, by the formulas, using length of sides, height, diagonals and angle between them.
   Area of a rectangle, rectangle area formula calculator
Find an area of a rectangle, by the formulas, using length of sides, length of diagonal and angle between diagonals.
   Area of a rhombus, rhombus area formula calculator
Find an area of a rhombus, by the formulas, using length of side, height, length of diagonals, incircle or circumcircle radius.
   Area of a square, square area formula calculator
Find an area of a square, by the formulas, using length of square sides or diagonal.
   Area of a trapezoid, trapezoid area formula calculator
Find an area of a trapezoid, by the formulas, using length of base sides, height, midline, length of diagonal and angle between them.
   Area of a triangle, equilateral isosceles triangle area formula calculator
Find an area of different types of triangles, such as equilateral, isosceles, right or scalene triangle, by different formulas.
   Perimeter calculator
Find a perimeter of different geometric shapes, such as circle, square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid by different formulas.
   Circumference of a circle (perimeter of a circle) formula calculator
Find a circumference (perimeter) of a circle, by the formula, using radius of a circle.
   Perimeter of a parallelogram, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of parallelogram, by the formula, using length of parallelogram sides.
   Perimeter of a rectangle, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of a rectangle, by the formula, using length of rectangle sides.
   Perimeter of a rhombus, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of rhombus, by the formula, using length of rhombus side.
   Perimeter of a square, perimeter formula calculator
Find perimeter of a square, by the formulas, using length of square side.
   Perimeter of a trapezoid, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of a trapezoid, by the formula, using length of all trapezoid sides.
   Perimeter of a triangle, perimeter formula calculator
Find a perimeter of different types of triangles, such as equilateral, isosceles, right or scalene triangle.

Physics, fundamental laws calculators

   Amperage, resistance, voltage definition calculator
Calculate strength of electric current, voltage and resistance in a part of electrical circuit.
   Ohm's law formula calculator
Calculate a current, voltage and resistance in a part of electrical circuit.
   Newton law of universal gravitation
Calculate a mass of two objects, distanse and gravitational force between them, by using newton's law of universal gravitation.
   Newton's second law of motion calculator
Calculate a force, mass and acceleration by the Newtons second law.
   Newton's third law of motion calculator
Calculate a mass and acceleration of two objects by using newtons third law.
   Electrical power energy time calculator
Calculate electrical power, electrical energy, time and their dependence from each other.
   Force mass acceleration definition calculator
Calculate force, mass, acceleration of an object, and their dependence from each other.
   Acceleration formula calculator
Calculate acceleration of a moving object by change of the velocity over time.
   Centripetal acceleration formula calculator
Calculate centripetal acceleration, radius of a circle and velocity, by the circular motion equation formula.
   Angular acceleration formula calculator
Calculate angular acceleration, angular velocity and time of motion, by the formula of angular acceleration.
   Angular velocity formula calculator
Calculate angular velocity, angle rotated and time of rotation, by the formula of angular velocity.
   Tangential acceleration formula calculator
Calculate tangential acceleration of a moving object by change of the velocity over time.
   Density of fresh and salt water calculator
Calculate density of fresh or salt water at different salinity levels and temperatures.
   How much do I weigh on other planets
How much you weigh on other solar system planets.
   How much do I weigh on Jupiter
How much is you weigh on Jupiter.
   How much do I weigh on Mars
How much is you weigh on Mars.
   How much do I weigh on Mercury
How much is you weigh on Mercury.
   How much do I weigh on Moon
How much is you weigh on Moon.
   How much do I weigh on Uranus
How much is you weigh on Uranus.
   How much do I weigh on Neptune
How much is you weigh on Neptune.
   How much do I weigh on Pluto
How much is you weigh on Pluto.
   How much do I weigh on Saturn
How much is you weigh on Saturn.
   How much do I weigh on Venus
How much is you weigh on Venus.
   Radioactive decay calculator
Calculate amount of the remaining radioactive isotope and percentage from the initial amount for a certain period of time.
   Half-life of radioactive isotopes
Calculate amount of the remaining radioactive isotope and percentage from the initial amount for a certain period of time.
   Moment of force formula calculator
Calculate moment of force, force vector, position vector and their dependence from each other.
   Torque formula calculator
Calculate torque, force vector, position vector and their dependence from each other.
   Speed of sound in air calculator
Calculate speed of sound waves in air at different temperatures.
   Molar mass of gas, online calculation.
Calculate molar mass of different gases, or set parameters of gas to calculate its molar mass.
   Molecular weight calculator
Calculate molecular weight of different gases, or set parameters of gas to calculate its weight weight.
   Kinetic energy formula calculator
Calculate kinetic energy of moving body, it mass and velocity.
   Gravitational potential energy formula calculator
Calculate potential energy, mass and height of body.
   Escape velocity formula calculator
Calculate escape velocity of a planet in the solar system, or massive body with defined mass and radius.
   Orbital velocity formula calculator
Calculate orbital velocity of a planet in the solar system, or massive body with defined mass and radius.
   Ideal gas law equation calculator
Calculate pressure, volume, temperature and moles of gas from the ideal gas law equation.
   Boyle's law calculator
Calculate initial and final volume and pressure of gas from the boyle's law.
   Gay-lussac's law calculator
Calculate initial and final volume and temperature of gas from the gay-lussac's law equation.
   Dilution calculator
Calculate volume and concentration (molarity) of solution before and after dilution.
   Molarity concentration formula calculator
Calculate molar concentration, mass of compound, volume and formula weight of a chemical solution.
   Concentration calculator
Calculate concentration of a solution, mass of compound, volume and formula weight of a chemical solution.

Internet, computers, web tools, password generators

   Binary translator to text, hex to text decoder
Encode or decode text or any ascii symbols, to binary, hexadecimal or decimal codes (numbers).
   Password generator
Generate strong secure password based on keyword.
   Random password generator
Generate strong random secure password.
   Binary numbers calculator
Perform math operations: multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, logical AND, logical OR, modulo 2, with binary numbers
   Random number generator online
Get a random number or group of unique random numbers from the selected range.
   Random phone number generator
Generate a list of random phone numbers for landline and cell phones.
   What is my ip address
Find your ip address, operating system, internet service provider, country and city by ip geolocation.
   Show my ip address
Shows your ip address, operating system, internet service provider, country and city by ip geolocation.
   Ip address lookup
Lookup ip address and find internet service provider, country and city by ip geolocation and other.
   Ip address location
Check any ip address location, internet service provider and other.
   Check ip address
Check any ip address and find information about it, like internet service provider, country and city by ip geolocation and other.
   Whois domain name check
Check any domain name and get ip address, dns server names, admin contacts and other info.
   Whois IP lookup
Lookup any domain name and get ip address, dns server names, admin contacts and other info.
   Barcode generator
Create a 2d barcode from any digital product number.
   Qr code creator online
Create a qr code from any text or symbols.
   Qr code generator online
Generate a qr code from any text or symbols.
   Qr code maker online
Make a qr code from any text or symbols.
   Russian keyboard translit
Russian cyrillic virtual keyboard with switching to english keyboard.
   Russian letters transliteration
Transliterate russian letters to english and english letters to russian.
   Hindi keyboard online
Type hindi letters on hindi virtual keyboard.
   Arabic keyboard online
Type arabic letters on arabic virtual keyboard.

Measurement unit converters, metric conversion calculators

   Measurement unit converter
Online metric conversion calculator: length, area, size, temperature, speed, pressure, force.
   Amperage, resistance, voltage definition calculator
Calculate strength of electric current, voltage and resistance in a part of electrical circuit.
   Ohm's law formula calculator
Calculate a current, voltage and resistance in a part of electrical circuit.
   Newton law of universal gravitation
Calculate a mass of two objects, distanse and gravitational force between them, by using newton's law of universal gravitation.
   Newton's second law of motion calculator
Calculate a force, mass and acceleration by the Newtons second law.
   Newton's third law of motion calculator
Calculate a mass and acceleration of two objects by using newtons third law.
   Electrical power energy time calculator
Calculate electrical power, electrical energy, time and their dependence from each other.
   Force mass acceleration definition calculator
Calculate force, mass, acceleration of an object, and their dependence from each other.
   Centripetal acceleration formula calculator
Calculate centripetal acceleration, radius of a circle and velocity, by the circular motion equation formula.
   Acceleration formula calculator
Calculate acceleration of a moving object by change of the velocity over time.
   Angular acceleration formula calculator
Calculate angular acceleration, angular velocity and time of motion, by the formula of angular acceleration.
   Angular velocity formula calculator
Calculate angular velocity, angle rotated and time of rotation, by the formula of angular velocity.
   Tangential acceleration formula calculator
Calculate tangential acceleration of a moving object by change of the velocity over time.
   Density of fresh and salt water calculator
Calculate density of fresh or salt water at different salinity levels and temperatures.
   Radioactive decay calculator
Calculate amount of the remaining radioactive isotope and percentage from the initial amount for a certain period of time.
   Half-life of radioactive isotopes
Calculate amount of the remaining radioactive isotope and percentage from the initial amount for a certain period of time.
   Moment of force formula calculator
Calculate moment of force, force vector, position vector and their dependence from each other.
   Torque formula calculator
Calculate torque, force vector, position vector and their dependence from each other.
   Speed of sound in air calculator
Calculate speed of sound waves in air at different temperatures.
   Molar mass of gas, online calculation.
Calculate molar mass of different gases, or set parameters of gas to calculate its molar mass.
   Molecular weight calculator
Calculate molecular weight of different gases, or set parameters of gas to calculate its weight weight.
   Kinetic energy formula calculator
Calculate kinetic energy of moving body, it mass and velocity.
   Gravitational potential energy formula calculator
Calculate potential energy, mass and height of body.
   Ideal gas law equation calculator
Calculate pressure, volume, temperature and moles of gas from the ideal gas law equation.
   Boyle's law calculator
Calculate initial and final volume and pressure of gas from the boyle's law.
   Gay-lussac's law calculator
Calculate initial and final volume and temperature of gas from the gay-lussac's law equation.
   Dilution calculator
Calculate volume and concentration (molarity) of solution before and after dilution.
   Molarity concentration formula calculator
Calculate molar concentration, mass of compound, volume and formula weight of a chemical solution.
   Concentration calculator
Calculate concentration of a solution, mass of compound, volume and formula weight of a chemical solution.

Currency converter, money exchange rates, stock market

   Currency converter, exchange rate calculator
Money converter for any world currency to the today rate.
   Forex rates online, live currency exchange
Live forex currency exchange rates for all currencies in the world.
   Commodity futures market live
Commodities trading live, commodity prices at stock market online, price charts.
   Cryptocurrency calculator, digital currency converter
Cryptocurrency exchange rates worldwide. Cryptocurrency converter to another virtual or real currency.
   Cryptocurrency price live charts, digital currency trading online
Cryptocurrency exchange rates online, conversion to any currency real time.
   Cryptocurrency charts
Cryptocurrency history charts. Cryptocurrency prices, digital currency value history.
   Bitcoin calculator, Bitcoin converter
Bitcoin calculator online, converter Bitcoin. Bitcoin price today on cryptocurrency exchange market.
   Ethereum calculator, Ethereum converter
Ethereum calculator online, converter Ethereum. Ethereum price today on cryptocurrency exchange market.
   Litecoin calculator, Litecoin converter
Litecoin calculator online, converter Litecoin. Litecoin price today on cryptocurrency exchange market.
   Cryptocurrency ranking
Ranking on cryptocurrency market: most promising, new reliable and highly profitable crypto-currencies now.
   Stock market
Crude oil, natural gas, copper, gold, silver and other precious metals historical prices.
   Currency exchange rates history
Historical currency exchange rates, historical charts.

Health and fitness

   Alcohol calculator
Calculate blood alcohol concentration level and know if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol content in different countries.
   Bac calculator
Calculate your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) level and know if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol content in different countries.
   Blood alcohol level calculator
Calculate your blood alcohol concentration level (BAC) and know if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol level in different countries.
   Blood alcohol content calculator
Calculate BAC (Blood alcohol content) level and know if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol content in different countries.
   Drunk driving calculator
Calculate if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol content in different countries and blood your alcohol concentration level.
   DUI calculator
Calculate your DUI level, blood alcohol concentration level and know if your can drive a vehicle with certain blood alcohol content in different countries.
   Body weight calculator
Calculate ideal weight, body fat percentage, body type, body mass index, basal metabolic rate, resting metabolic rate, daily calorie needs, calories you burn.
   Body fat percentage  calculator
Calculate your ideal weight, body fat and body fat percentage, weight without fat, body shape type, basal metabolism, weight loss metabolism and other.
   Body shape calculator
Calculate your body shape and body type, your ideal weight, body fat and body fat percentage, your metabolism level and other.
   Ideal weight calculator
Calculate ideal body weight for women and men in dependence of your age, height and body type.
   Due date calculator
Calculate estimated due date of your baby, conception date and current pregnancy term.
   Baby due date calculator
Calculate due date of your baby, conception date and current pregnancy term.
   Pregnancy calculator
Calculate your due date, conception date and pregnancy term if you are pregnant.
   Ovulation calculator
Calculate due date, conception date and current pregnancy term, by your ovulation date.
   Edd calculator
Calculate estimated due date (EDD) of your baby, conception date and current pregnancy term.
   Conception calculator
Calculate conception date of your baby, estimated due date and current pregnancy term.
   Ovulation calendar calculator
Get your ovulation calendar to the next few month, if you want increase your chances of getting pregnant.
   Fertility calendar calculator
Get your fertility calendar, if you want increase your chances of getting pregnant.
   Most fertile days calculator
Calculate your most fertile days, if you want increase your chances of getting pregnant.
   Calorie calculator
Calculate you calorie needs to a day if you want to loss weight or maintain your weight.
   Weight loss calculator
Calculate you calorie needs if you want to loss weight or maintain your weight.
   Daily calorie calculator
Calculate you daily calorie needs if you want to loss weight or maintain your weight.
   Calories burned calculator
Calculate how many calories you burn for many activities.
   Exercise calorie calculator
Calculate how many calories you burn for many physical exercises.
   Bmr calculator
Calculate your bmr: amount of calories that your body burns while at rest.
   Basal metabolic rate calculator
Calculate your basal metabolic rate: amount of calories that your body burns while at rest.
   Rmr calculator
Calculate your rmr: amount of calories in a day, your body burns while you are at complete rest.
   Resting metabolic rate calculator
Calculate your resting metabolic rate : amount of calories in a day, your body burns while you are at complete rest.
   Bmi formula calculator
Calculate your BMI depending from your age and body shape.
   Bmi for men calculator
Calculate BMI for men depending from your age and body shape.
   Bmi for women calculator
Calculate BMI for women depending from your age and body shape.
   Weight gain calculator
Calculate amount of calories per day you need if you want to gain your weight.
   Muscle gain calculator
Calculate amount of calories per day you need if you want to gain muscles.
   Lose weight calculator
Calculate amount of calories per day you need if you want to to lose weight.
   Pregnancy weight gain calculator
Calculate ideal weight gain at any week during pregnancy.
   Pregnancy weight gain week by week calculator
Calculate ideal pregnancy weight gain week by week.

Postcodes, weather, distance and time zones

   Postcode finder
Find a postal code of a place, address, city, suburb or other locations around the world.
   Zip code lookup
Find a zip code of a place, address, city, suburb or other locations around the world.
   Postcode search
Search a postcode of a place, address, city, suburb or other locations around the world.
   Postal code finder
Find a postal code of a place, address, city, suburb or other locations around the world.
   Distance between two cities calculator
Find distance between any two cities in the world on the map in both miles and kilometer.
   Distance calculator
Calculate driving distance, walking distance or straight line distance between two cities.
   Mileage calculator
Find mileage between any two cities in the world on the map in both miles and kilometer.
   Time difference between two cities calculator
Calculate time difference between any two cities in the world.
   Time converter
Time conversion calculator, converts time to years, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
   Timezone calculator
Calculate time zones of any two cities in the world.
   International time converter
Calculate international time difference between any two cities in the world.
   Weather forecast
Find accurate weather forecast for today, tomorrow, 3 day, weekly, 10 day, for any city in the world.
   Local weather report
Find local weather report for today, tomorrow, 3 day, weekly, 10 day, for any city in the world.
   Weather update calculator
Find weather update for today, tomorrow, 3 day, weekly, 10 day, for any city in the world.
   World weather calculator
Find weather in any city in the world for today, tomorrow, 3 day, weekly, 10 day, for.

Auto, cars: tire sizes, technical specs

   Tire size calculator
Calculate changes of wheel size, clearance, speedometer indications, recommended rims size, if you install tires with other size.
   Tire size comparison
Comparison of wheel size, clearance, speedometer indications, recommended rims size, if you install tires with other size.
   Tire size conversion
Convert wheel size, clearance, speedometer indications, recommended rims size, if you install tires with other size.
   Tire size converter
Convert tire size, wheel size, clearance, speedometer indications, recommended rims size.
   Wheels and tires by car model
Find wheels and tires size by car make and model.
   Rims and tires by car model
Find rims and tires size by car make and model.
   Car rims and tires calculator
Calculate rims and tires size by car make and model.
   Car specs by brand and model
Find all car characteristics by brand and model, like type and engine performance, maximum speed, body type, weight, transmission, brakes type and other.
   Car brands and models specifications
Find characteristics of car by brand and model, like type and engine performance, maximum speed, body type, weight, transmission, brakes type and other.
   Acceleration formula calculator
Calculate acceleration of a moving object by change of the velocity over time.
   Car finder by specifications
Find a car by parameters of engine, body, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and performance.
   Car search by specifications
Search a car by parameters of engine, body, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and performance.
   Car review by specifications
Review a cars by parameters of engine, body, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and performance.
   Vehicle search
Search a vehicle by parameters of engine, body, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and performance.
   Auto finder
Find auto by specific parameters of engine, body, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and performance.

Clothes dresses sizes, shoes sizes, size charts, headdress, belts, rings sizes

   Shoes sizes online calculator
Convert men's, women's, and kids shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Men's clothes size online calculator
Convert different kinds of men's clothes sizes of different countries.
   Women's clothes size online calculator
Convert different kinds of women's clothes sizes of different countries.
   Children clothes sizes online calculator
Convert different kinds of kids clothes sizes of different countries.
   Accessories sizes online calculator
Convert different kinds of accessories sizes of different countries.
   Men's shoes size online calculator
Convert men's shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Women's shoes size online calculator
Convert women's shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Ladies shoes size online calculator
Convert ladies shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Kids shoes sizes online calculator
Convert kids shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Girls shoes sizes online calculator
Convert girls shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Baby shoes sizes online calculator
Convert baby shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Boys shoes sizes online calculator
Convert boys shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Children shoes sizes online calculator
Convert children shoe sizes to different countries, like European, British, American (USA), Japanese sizes or centimeters.
   Men's shirts sizes online calculator
Convert men's shirts sizes different countries, like American, British, European and international sizes.
   T-shirts sizes online calculator
Contains large and small men's and women's t-shirts sizes chart in different countries.
   Men's t-shirts sizes online calculator
Convert men's t-shirts sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or sizes in centimeters.
   Ladies tops sizes online calculator
Convert ladies tops sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or sizes in centimeters.
   Women's tops sizes online calculator
Convert women's tops sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or sizes in centimeters.
   Ladies t-shirts sizes online calculator
Convert ladies t-shirts sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or sizes in centimeters.
   Women's t-shirts sizes online calculator
Convert women's t-shirts sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or sizes in centimeters.
   Ladies blouses sizes online calculator
Convert ladies blouses sizes to different countries, like British, American, German, French, Italian, Russian, or international sizes.
   Ladies dresses sizes online calculator
Convert ladies dresses sizes to different countries, like British, American, German, French, Italian, Russian, or international sizes.
   Women's blouses sizes online calculator
Convert women's blouses sizes to different countries, like British, American, German, French, Italian, Russian, or international sizes.
   Women's dresses sizes online calculator
Convert women's dresses sizes to different countries, like British, American, German, French, Italian, Russian, or international sizes.
   Ladies underwear sizes online calculator
Convert ladies underwear sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's underwear sizes online calculator
Convert women's underwear sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Female underwear  sizes online calculator
Convert female underwear sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's lingerie sizes online calculator
Convert women's lingerie sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's panties sizes online calculator
Convert women's panties sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Bra sizes online calculator
Convert bra sizes to different countries, like European, British, American, or Australian sizes.
   Men's underwear sizes online calculator
Convert men's underwear sizes to different countries, like American, German, French, Italian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, international, or waist sizes.
   Male underwear sizes online calculator
Convert male underwear sizes to different countries, like American, German, French, Italian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, international, or waist sizes.
   Skirts sizes online calculator
Convert skirts sizes to different countries, like American, British, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes.
   Jeans and trousers sizes online calculator
Convert men's and women's jeans and trousers sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Men's jeans sizes online calculator
Convert men's jeans sizes different countries, like American (US/UK), Italian, French, Russian, international sizes, or waist sizes in centimeters.
   Men's trousers sizes online calculator
Convert men's trousers sizes different countries, like American (US/UK), Italian, French, Russian, international sizes, or waist sizes in centimeters.
   Men's pants sizes online calculator
Convert men's pants sizes different countries, like American (US/UK), Italian, French, Russian, international sizes, or waist sizes in centimeters.
   Women's jeans and trousers sizes online calculator
Convert women's jeans and trousers sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Ladies jeans and trousers sizes online calculator
Convert ladies jeans and trousers sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Ladies pants sizes online calculator
Convert ladies pants sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's pants sizes online calculator
Convert women's pants sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's slacks sizes online calculator
Convert women's slacks sizes of different countries, like American, British, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, international, or waist and hips sizes.
   Jackets and coats sizes online calculator
Convert men's and women's jackets and coats sizes of different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, Japanese, international, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Men's winter jackets sizes online calculator
Convert men's winter jackets sizes to different countries, like American, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's coats sizes online calculator
Convert men's coats sizes to different countries, like American, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's overcoats sizes online calculator
Convert men's overcoats sizes to different countries, like American, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Women's jackets sizes online calculator
Convert women's jackets sizes to different countries, like US, UK, European, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Ladies jackets sizes online calculator
Convert ladies jackets sizes to different countries, like US, UK, European, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Ladies coats sizes online calculator
Convert ladies coats sizes to different countries, like US, UK, European, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's coats sizes online calculator
Convert women's coats sizes to different countries, like US, UK, European, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Women's winter coats sizes online calculator
Convert women's winter coats sizes to different countries, like US, UK, European, Italian, Japanese, Russian, international sizes, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Tuxedos, cardigans, jumpers, blazers sizes online calculator
Convert men's and women's tuxedos, cardigans, jumpers and blazers sizes of different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, Japanese, international, width chest, or waist and hips sizes.
   Men's tuxedos sizes online calculator
Convert men's tuxedos sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's dinner jackets sizes online calculator
Convert men's dinner jackets sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's cardigans sizes online calculator
Convert men's cardigans sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's jumpers sizes online calculator
Convert men's jumpers sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Men's blazers sizes online calculator
Convert men's blazers sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Italian, Russian, international sizes, or width chest size.
   Women's tuxedos sizes online calculator
Contains large and small women's tuxedos sizes chart in different countries.
   Women's cardigans sizes online calculator
Contains large and small women's cardigans sizes chart in different countries.
   Women's jumpers sizes online calculator
Contains large and small women's jumpers sizes chart in different countries.
   Women's blazers sizes online calculator
Contains large and small women's blazers sizes chart in different countries.
   Shorts sizes online calculator
Contains large and small men's and women's shorts sizes chart in different countries.
   Men's socks sizes online calculator
Convert men's socks sizes to different countries, like American, European, Russian, international, shoe size, length of foot or length of insole in centimeters.
   Women's socks sizes online calculator
Convert women's socks sizes to different countries, like American, European, Russian, international, shoe size, length of foot or length of insole in centimeters.
   Ladies socks sizes online calculator
Convert ladies socks sizes to different countries, like American, European, Russian, international, shoe size, length of foot or length of insole in centimeters.
   Kids socks sizes online calculator
Convert kids socks sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, shoe size or length of foot in centimeters.
   Boys socks sizes online calculator
Convert boys socks sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, shoe size or length of foot in centimeters.
   Girls socks sizes online calculator
Convert girls socks sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, shoe size or length of foot in centimeters.
   Baby clothes sizes online calculator
Convert baby clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Kids clothes sizes online calculator
Convert kids clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Newborn clothes sizes online calculator
Convert newborn clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Baby boy clothes sizes online calculator
Convert boy's clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Girls clothes sizes online calculator
Convert girls clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Girls dresses sizes online calculator
Convert girls clothes sizes to different countries, like American, British, European, Russian sizes, width chest and height, or baby’s age.
   Women's shorts sizes online calculator
Convert women's shorts sizes to different countries, like American, British, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Ladies shorts sizes online calculator
Convert ladies shorts sizes to different countries, like American, British, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, international sizes, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Women's bikinis sizes online calculator
Convert women's bikinis sizes to different countries, like American, British, Italian, Russian, international sizes, bust size, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Women's swimsuits sizes online calculator
Convert women's swimsuits sizes to different countries, like American, British, Italian, Russian, international sizes, bust size, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Women's swimwear sizes online calculator
Convert women's swimwear sizes to different countries, like American, British, Italian, Russian, international sizes, bust size, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Ladies swimwear sizes online calculator
Convert ladies swimwear sizes to different countries, like American, British, Italian, Russian, international sizes, bust size, or waist and hips sizes in centimeters.
   Belts sizes online calculator
Convert men's and women's belts sizes to different countries, like international, Russian, waist size in centimeters or length in inches.
   Men's belts sizes online calculator
Convert men's belts sizes to different countries, like international, Russian, waist size in centimeters or length in inches.
   Women's belts sizes online calculator
Convert women's belts sizes to different countries, like international, Russian, waist size in centimeters or length in inches.
   Hat sizes online calculator
Convert hat sizes to different countries, like American (US / UK), Russian, international sizes, or head circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Gloves sizes online calculator
Convert men's and women's gloves sizes to international sizes and hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Men's gloves sizes online calculator
Defines men’s gloves size and marking of different countries.
   Women's gloves sizes online calculator
Convert women's gloves sizes to different sizes, like international, hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Ladies gloves sizes online calculator
Convert ladies gloves sizes to different sizes, like international, hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Ring sizes online calculator
Convert ring sizes to American, British, Russian, Japanese sizes, diameter in millimeters and inches, or finger circumference.
   Bracelets sizes online calculator
Convert bracelets sizes to Russian sizes and hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Bangles sizes online calculator
Convert bangles sizes to Russian sizes and hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Men's bracelets sizes online calculator
Convert men's bracelets sizes to Russian sizes and hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Women's bracelets sizes online calculator
Convert women's bracelets sizes to Russian sizes and hand circumference in centimeters or inches.
   Gold karat online calculator 
Convert gold samples between carats, gold hallmarks or percentage of gold in jewelry.
   Gold purity online calculator
Convert gold purity between carats, gold hallmarks or percentage of gold in jewelry.
   Gold ounce to grams online calculator
Convert gold weight from troy ounces to grams and from grams to troy ounces.
   Gold grams to ounces online calculator
Convert gold weight from troy ounces to grams and from grams to troy ounces.
   Troy ounces to grams online calculator
Convert gold weight from troy ounces to grams and from grams to troy ounces.

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